Don’t Trust the Dust

I remember years ago we put an entire home air purification system in our home because we had a child that had severe allergies. I went from having to dust my house every week because it would build up so quickly to dusting about once every 2 months! It was so great not having to deal with watching the dust build-up covering my furniture so quickly and dreading the chore of cleaning it but also the best part was keeping my son healthier. Then one day years later God showed me a new revelation and this memory helped me understand that revelation.

When God gives us a revelation like an answered prayer we have waited on for a long time, a dream that gives us instructions or even a Word from God in any of His forms of giving it to us that tells us what to do in our life, we are quick to react to it. We are excited to have the message from Him but sometimes I believe we jump to conclusions with it. Let me explain what I mean. Watch this quick video, it’s only a few seconds long.

In this video that ball represents the revelation we receive from God and all of that dust we see flying at impact represents the accumulation of our overthinking, expectations, losing hope, fear, doubt, waiting without peace over the period of time that we have waited for that answer to come. All of that dust comes from our soul and when God (who is spirit) finally gives us His revelation (which is a spiritual message) we have waited for, that impact causes the dust to break away and move but it also covers that revelation for a while until it settles. We see that revelation and automatically think we KNOW all that God is saying to us and we quickly react before the dust can even settle. What if there were more instructions in that revelation that we didn’t catch? We jumped to conclusions too quickly and then we ended up hitting a wall or getting into a mess because we didn’t take the time to wait for the dust to settle so that we could see ALL of His message. We may get mad at God or ourselves because He told us wrong when in fact he gave us all we needed but we were not patient enough to wait until we saw His fine print instructions AFTER the dust had settled. God only gives us His revelation in pieces so I hope this will help us take a little more time when we receive God’s messages to see all of it. I hope we see EVERY piece He wants us to have and every detail in His instructions for our lives. We have a hope and a future, let Him show us how to get there with a fullness.

Don’t Trust the Dust!