Years ago, I learned a valuable insight into my dream life that helped open up so much understanding there and in other areas of my awake life. There was a time when I dreamed a lot and at times I would dream a little less. Then there came a time where I stopped dreaming for a while. I felt that sometimes I had dreamed but I didn’t remember any of them when I woke up. Most of the time I felt that I had not dreamed at all. To have a heavy flow of dreams to simply stop, scared me and I thought I may have done something wrong and it had caused me to stop dreaming.

But then God taught me that there are always going to be times of needed rest in my life, even in my dream life. He showed me that if I didn’t rest when it was time, then I wouldn’t have the strength and all I needed, to do what came next. I wasn’t getting myself into trouble nor had I done anything wrong. By simply resting in those times when the flow of dreams ceased, I was resting up for something greater to come. Once I understood this, I was able to flow in my dream and awake life much easier knowing the days of rest and work will come, but not without each other as they go hand in hand. If this works this well in dream life, then how much more can it help in awake life as well?