We are born to dream. God created each one of us with the ability to dream. What happens after we are born decides whether we continue to dream or not. It has a lot to do with our choice. If you have taken my Dream Interpretation Course or follow me on Facebook in The Dream Room group you have learned that not everyone has dreams. There are people we may know that dream and never remember them or even dreaming. There are those who do not dream at all. There are times when a dreamer loses the function to dream as well. Most of the time it is caused by the clogged pipes or spiritual passageways as I wrote about in my previous blog. You can read that blog here. Another reason a person may not dream is there may have been severe trauma in their life, disease, or they are taking certain medications. I would like to expand on this subject more because there are more reasons someone stops dreaming or just simply doesn’t dream at all.

Another main issue that can keep us from dreaming is our brain. Our brains are not where dreams come from but they can help bring us a dream. The brain can be a hindrance when we are more logical thinkers and very analytic. A study was done about how our brains have two parts, the left, and right hemispheres, and each side has different functions. The left side of the brain is where our logic and analytic mindset comes from. So, if we are more dominant on that one side, it can close the door for dreams to enter. Dreaming comes from the right side or hemisphere of the brain. We can do more right-brained activities to balance us out.

Nonbelief can be another issue we deal with when we don’t dream. Once again this may come from being too logical in reasoning and analytic as overthinkers. The choice is made to block out most of the right-brain functions to make more room for the left-sided logic. The good news is that you can’t live without the right brain functions completely. You’re just out of balance.

A big issue with nondreamers can be our skillset. Skillset referring to how we learn to live in life (jobs, family, relationships, school, ministry, etc.). The skillset that includes dreaming can be turned off without us even realizing it. We can go through the process and prayer of trying to start dreaming again and nothing happens even if we have done it multiple times. Why? A lot of times it becomes ‘out of sight out of mind’. Life takes more precedence over wanting to correct the issue of being dreamless. It’s not a wrong motive but the only time we think of dreams and wanting and working on dreaming again is when it’s brought up around us. Then just as quickly as it came in, it is out of mind again. The question would be, how important is it to us? If it is very important to us it can be like digging a well, it may take work and more time, but eventually, you break through. Some of us may even try the process a few times and get angry and quit because it’s too hard and maybe not worth it (clogs up pipes). In these places, it will take greater focus and greater faith to not give up.

The good news is that we can be free from these hindrances! For most of it, we will simply have to reverse what is being done in our lives to change the outcome and maybe a bit of patience as we wait. For others, it may take nothing more than belief, confession, and prayer to open the dream door again. No matter the issue God can still give us an important dream, even through the dark, but there is so much more He wants to say to us because we were created to listen and see Him through our dreams. It’s time to end the Dream Blackout!