In my last blog a question was revealed to me that I have never seen before. Since God has a GREAT sense of humor and loves to make us laugh…“Why don’t we have funny, even hilarious dreams ?” Well, since that article, I have been given the answer from God so that I may pass it along to you.

There are always questions to answer and answers that need to be given. God takes our needs very seriously and when He sends us those answers to our questions in dreams they are in the form of a love letter. We all want to know we are loved and His love letter shows it to us every time. Many times the message is for us to change but it is always to encourage us if we will receive what He is telling us. Our needs are not funny and they are as important to God as they are to us.

So, then how does God show us His sense of humor in our dream life? Through JOY… We will have dreams that will not only encourage us but show us beautiful things and people that we love. God knows what moves Joy to the forefront of our minds and hearts. It usually just gets covered up, but it’s always there. We wake up with tears of Joy in our eyes or in our hearts or a sense of happiness all from that one dream. As we move through our day we find that we see things in a more Joyful, Happy way and we Laugh at things that were not visible yesterday. We wake up in a really good mood! Have you ever done that and there was no real reason for it? We may have had one of these dreams and we just don’t remember it. We have 4-6 dreams per night, so we might only remember the last dream we had before we woke up.

We may not have dreams that are funny or even hilarious but God will show us what really matters in them so that we can turn our focus towards Joy. When we are in a good mood because of the Joy God has brought back to the forefront, we are just happier. God wants us to be Happy! When we are Happy, we Laugh more. Laughter is a reaction to Joy! So, now when we remember our dreams, we can look at the Love God is giving us in them and hopefully, see Joy trying to make its way to the forefront of our hearts. And what follows?… Laughter…funny and hilarious laughter!