“What If” You Turned Around?

Has God ever “what if’d” you? What if this or what if that? I know He has with me many times so He could rebuild my hope. I know I have “what if’d” a LOT in my days. Honestly, I got to a place in my life that I simply stopped “what if”-ing as much because all of them seemed to go nowhere and I felt my dreaming was useless and hopeless. I was just simply tired of dreaming. I felt like I had hit a wall and you know what? I did hit a wall! The cool thing about walls is they surround something. Sometimes it isn’t to keep me out of what’s on the other side of it but to keep what’s on the other side from getting to me. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

“What if” the wall you hit isn’t so that you can’t move forward but instead you’ve already arrived and all you need to do is turn around to see where you are? God did this to me once and as I turned around expecting to see what I was trying to get away from, I saw the place He had already told me I would go to. I had already passed through the dry place, but I didn’t bother to look around me as the scenery had changed because I had assumingly felt I was always in the desert.

So, when God “what if’d” me again this time, I listened and paid attention. For years now I have heard countless dreams, visions, and revelations God has given others and I myself have had the same. Great, grand, heavenly dreams and visions of wonder. Dark, evil, and deeply fearful ones of opposition. One thing that keeps standing out over these years is that I have felt like although many are telling of great things, wonder, change, and beauty they seem to be hitting a wall of sorts. It seems like there should be a GREATER FULLNESS in the dreams, visions, and revelations. Greater healing, deliverance, freedom, instructions, visitations from heaven and SO much MORE from God in them. Although all of these things have been great up until now, it’s almost as if they are just an appetizer for what I expect to see in my heart. Now with ONE “what if” from God, I am beginning to turn around from the wall I keep seeing to see a possibly different view. What do I see?

In Acts 2:17 it says “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

We have been living in the last days for a long time, in our perception, and this scripture above has rung true since it was spoken. But “what if” God has only been giving us a taste, an appetizer per say of the fullness in this verse up until now? “What if” the wall I feel and see only represents the end of a chapter, an era, or an age? As God turns my head around to see the view instead of the same old wall, I see the possibilities are not walled in anymore and there isn’t even a horizon to see a possible end or grandness. “What if” my expectations were not wrong and they were all part of His plan to reveal evidence of my longing in His timing? “What if” the Greater Fullness I feel in my heart is coming or even here? What kind of dreams, visions, and revelations could be coming? What would they be like? “What if” it is greater and grander than we could have ever dared to dream? I dare to dream the undreamed, do you?