Many of us will have dreams of snakes at one time or another. We see snakes as representing deception, evil, and lies (long tales) in our dreams, and rightly so. There are a few things about that symbolism that we can understand in a deeper way. I personally have had my own share of snake dreams and visions of snakes. I have seen pythons, white snakes, vipers, skinny, fat, long, and short snakes. I have even seen a snake that had a body of bead-like sections and if you cut its head or any part of its body off it would regrow back in another place, therefore harder to kill.

When we dream of snakes on the ground we can see that its body is long and stretches out upon the land. Seeing snakes can tell us that the lie and deception it brings wants to stretch out into our lives and stay awhile in our territory (where God has us working and living). This is also how we can see the connection with generational lies that have been passed down. When we see a short snake it may mean that it doesn’t have the power to stay long even if it’s allowed. The opposite can be said of a long snake that can continue for generations if allowed. The more powerful the snake the greater influence it can have in our lives if not dealt with.

We are taught usually to cut off the head of the snake to kill its power over us but how do we do that? Prayer is our biggest weapon when we don’t know what that lie of deception may be. God will take over there and deal with it without you having to do much else but agree with Him and His will in it. In some dreams, we may have a clue or even know what the snake or lie represents. In this case, we must choose to refuse the power of that lie from taking hold of us by speaking it out that we deny and refuse that lie. By doing so we are cutting off the head of that snake as long as we do not let the head reattach to its body. Cutting the head off speaks of the mind; denying the thoughts to enter our mind (our thoughts). Have you ever noticed that the snake’s head is on the ground and our heads are far above it naturally? Our thoughts should be FAR above the enemy’s mindsets of lies. If we choose to let the head reattach to the body of the snake again by allowing the lies to reenter our minds, that snake can be symbolized with a two-headed snake; Meaning we are being double-minded.

James 1:6-8  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

If we are bitten by a snake in a dream, we may not know if the snake is poisonous or not. However, a snake represents a lie whether poisonous or not, and should be dealt with immediately. The poisonous snake bite may show us that the lie is obvious in our lives and seen outwardly by others with symptoms and signs. A non-poisonous snake bite may show that it is more hidden. I hope this can help answer some questions for many of you dealing with snakes in your dreams or someone you know.

One Comment

  1. This is powerful! I have had many snake dreams for years, I some what thought I knew what they meant, but this helps me a lot! I will defiantly will be doing somethings a little differently.

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