Open the Eyes of Your Heart

Have you ever had a dream so vivid in color, bright, and beautiful that you want to stay in the dream? Not to mention it is so etched into your spirit that you couldn’t forget any of it, even if you tried. Why don’t we have more of those beautiful dreams and why do some people not ever have them? In short… it’s more of a heart issue. As we go through our lives our hearts can get covered up with many layers of things that hide our True light. Life happens to us all in this world and our souls can get beat up, sick, doubt, and even lost. That old saying “we’ve lost heart” in something rings true. That isn’t real tragedy though, not seeing is.

Sometimes God will break through all of those veils covering our hearts to show us something important in our dreams allowing our True light to shine in it. That is when we see those beautiful colors and brilliant light in our dreams and even visions. If God’s Holy Spirit lives within our hearts then how great in beauty can our True light be? It’s His light in us that we see. I can guarantee that our dreams show only a small portion of the True light of our hearts. It is like looking through a keyhole into a room of light. We can’t see everything in the room but what we do see is brilliantly colored and lit up; our line of sight focused and to the point.

For those of us who haven’t had a dream like this, we can. For those of us that have them rarely, we can have more. The veils and covers that have hidden the True light of our hearts over time have actually covered the eyes of our hearts. That is why we can’t always see the True light, colors, and fullness of our hearts. God has placed many wonderful things within us, but we can get easily blinded by the untruth, and eventually, we learn to just see our dreams in the dark. It becomes our normal and the memory of the Truth we have once seen and known fades more into the shadows.

Matthew 6:21-22 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

How can we change this? By learning the knowledge from God and acting on it. For instance, the knowledge that God has given me, I have just given to you. Acting on it is believing, praying to ask the Father to “open the eyes of your heart”. For some of us, after praying this, we can see a change happen quickly and for others, it may take patience and perseverance to change how and what we see. Understand that the eyes I speak of are not our physical eyes just as we do not see with our physical eyes when we dream. This isn’t a “one time fix all” prayer just as God isn’t a “one time show all God”. Let God enlighten you again just as you once were…

Ephesians 1:18-19 I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe.