I am a big movie buff and I remember watching several blockbuster movies in the past about time travelers. The star of the movie would go back in time to change something or they went into the future to see what might happen. A great thriller! But, did you know that our dreams also allow us to time travel? Of course, I don’t mean we can go back in time and change things or look into the future to win the lottery or anything, but we can see as if we are looking through a window. Dreams transcend time as we know it.

The truth is, there are many dreams we may have that show us our past in order to show us our present; which can in turn let us see our possible future. How and what would that look like? When we notice in our dreams that we have scene changes (like in a movie or play) or we may have three separate dreams. As we are writing down our dream we can see how the scenes change from one place or situation to another three times. We might be seeing our past in the first scene, our present in the second scene, and our possible future in the third scene. We may have three separate dreams in one night that may show us our past, present, and possible future. The thought process and how to treat either option they may come is the same. Why would we even need that?

God wants to encourage us because He loves us but He may also be warning us of things that need to be changed. For example, we may have a dream with three scenes and the first one may speak of our past. It could be a low place in our life or a situation we were in that we passed through. The second scene may show us where we are now (present) compared to our past, whether good or maybe not so good. The point is, God has a “hope and a future” for us that is good and He wants us to see how to get there. If our past and present aren’t so good, He wants to show us how to change that by giving us instructions through this dream on how. That is where the third scene in the dream comes in. God wants us to see how promising our future is but may also be warning us of what we may be headed towards if we don’t change something in our life. God wants us to see where we have come from in the past and where it has brought us today so that will know what to do so that our tomorrow is as wonderful as He hopes and dreams for us. So, YES we can see and visit our past, YES we can get a better view of our present and YES we can even see into our own future!

HOW’S THAT FOR BEING OUR OWN BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE ABOUT TIME TRAVEL? AND THE BEST PART IS WE CAN WORK FROM HOME! How much this movie will cost us and how much we will get paid from it (figuratively speaking) will depend on our choices in the changes we might need to make in our life.

EXTRA TIP: We can also have dreams where people from our past are in the same scene with people we recognize or know in our present and not realize that we may be seeing people we may meet in our future.