Over the past few weeks, we have looked at numbers. We have looked at mainly what to do with them and how to find their true meanings in dreams as well as daily throughout our day. Now, let’s expand that boundary into more understanding so that we can apply it to our daily lives greater.

An interesting way to know what to do with the numbers we see in our dreams is to first make sure that the numbers stand out to us. Meaning that they are a main detail. How do we know if they are? One of the best ways to know is if when we were telling someone about our dream, did that number stand out to us so much that it couldn’t be left out of the story when we told it? If it was a minor detail then the actual number wouldn’t be as important and therefore we wouldn’t really need to know the meaning of the number to interpret the dream.

Knowing the source of our dream is super important if we have a number or set of numbers that stand out and are a main detail of a dream. How do we know for sure who is the source? Is the dream from God, our soul, or the enemy? Read my document as a helpful tool here “A-C-E The Dream”. Why is this important to know? If God is sending us the dream directly without the interference of the enemy or our soul, then the number is simple to look up and we will know what to do with it easier because it is directly from Him. However, if our soul was to send us a dream (even crazy, spicy pizza dreams) and the number is a main detail it is usually going to carry the meaning of negativity instead of encouraging us. If we have a dream from the enemy (nightmare) and the number is a main detail we will have the same type of negative meaning attached to it as well. **If we are not sure who is sending the dream, we must remember that Holy Spirit is there to help us and should be the Helper in EVERY dream if we want the FULL interpretation of it. Simply ask and receive from Him. If we receive a negative meaning remember that God wants us to convert the entire dream into His Original loving message so we can start by changing what the negative number meaning is into the positive meaning that God would want and hope for us to have in our life.

The same would apply if we were seeing numbers in our everyday life that stands out. We may see the same time on our clocks repetitively. We may see the same number(s) on tags, odometers, signs, scriptures, etc. The list can go on and on. Not everyone sees numbers like this but for those of us that do, enjoy the treasure hunt in searching the meanings of these. Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. How do we know when the numbers have a negative meaning here? Once again, remember we have a Helper who will guide us, simply ask and let Him guide you. Angels supply us with God’s messages, His Word, every day in many different ways. They are messengers and they can place these numbers in our paths for us to see, and be encouraged from their meanings. However, the enemy was once messengers too, and they can send us discouraging and negative meanings as well. If we discern that a number may be negative, giving us a bad “vibe”, or a bad “feeling”, it could be a message warning us of something around us or coming. At the same time, we can also change that warning into a blessing by believing and declaring with our hearts and mouth the Word of God. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. The only way to truly do this is by knowing God, His Word through a personal relationship with Him.

Numbers are around us every day and are a great tool for God to show us His messages. Knowing more of how to use them in our normal lives whether through dreams or in our daily routines can enhance our positive mindsets and feel God’s love for us in the simple ways just as much as greater ways. After all, simple things can change us just as great as any grand experience. So, remember that it can take just ONE revelation to change EVERYTHING.