We have been talking about how God can transition us out of the old things, ways, and seasons and into the new so, what happens when we arrive there? We have gone through the time of transition and it may have been hard to go through for some of us and we may be tired and worn. However, now since we have arrived and no matter how we feel we have come to a door. Many people may believe that once we have gone through the transition, we simply slide or step into our new season or place. That is not the case. The next step we make comes by power.

A great power we have is our choice. This power can make or break us in so many different ways but the power it gives us can do the most amazing things; things we have not yet even imagined. So, now here we are standing at the door to our new season of life, our new place and we have to use this power of choice to decide whether we are going to open it or not. Why would we not open the door after all we have gone through to get here? There are many reasons we can make up but the main root of reasoning for not opening it up is usually fear.

Yes, we can simply choose not to enter our new season and place God has prepared for us. What happens to those that do not open the door and enter in? They can stay in a place of limbo where they are like a fence rider between the old and the new and live in a very turbulent place. This is a very dangerous place to try and live. They can also go back into their old life and live as they were. How is that possible if God has removed all of the old during the transition? They can call it back into existence (resurrect). God gives us our choice to live free or live bound by our old ways. Once again this is a dangerous place to live out our lives.

For those that choose to open the door, there is still another choice; the choice to take action and walk through the doorway into the new. God will not simply lay it in our laps. There will always be an action to take to get there and it is usually acting on our power of choice. This process happens with each and every season we will transition through no matter the timing. However, what makes this so important for this new upcoming season is what is beyond the doorway for this next year. It’s not just a personal change for ourselves but also one for us being used in the world for God’s Glory. Remember how I said that the new Jewish New Year is coming in just a short time. This is a physical season we can see coming but also one we can spiritually see and feel. I hear the Lord say that this New Year will be about the light-bearers. What does that mean? The light-bearers are those of us who will carry, from God, a new revelation (light), a new Word to the world that hasn’t been shown. I asked the Lord how this can be, knowing that there is “nothing new under the sun(Ecclesiastes 1:9) and His reply was that “it’s about the new power that will go with it. This new power will be as a key that will unlock understanding of the new revelation for it to be perceived in the world” as God wills it to be.

The timing of our choice is always at hand. How will we choose in this new season? How will we choose in each season to come?