A shift in our dreams is coming. A time change of the mind. This Sunday, November 7th for many of us around the world our Daylight Savings Time will end and we will fall back an hour on our physical clocks. In our dreams, God is about to do something similar. November is the 11th month of the Gregorian calendar year and the number 11 can represent a time of transition. The 7th day of the month can represent the number 7 as a time of rest (Gen 2:2). So what is God saying He wants to do with our dreams, time change of the mind, transition, and rest?
During the fall holiday season, we can get so busy with the hustle and bustle of the fall air outings, family gatherings, buying gifts for Christmas and so much more. This year God wants to give us dreams that will help alleviate the draining and misguiding mindsets of this time and the expectations of them. This will allow us to fall back and rest in Him. But we must choose to not only take notice of it but also receive this gift allowing it to take action in our lives.
How long will this last and who will it affect? Of course, each one of us is different and so are our needs. For some of us, this will last longer than others. Some may not experience very much change. Why? This time can have levels of difficulty that some of us may not have and so the need is greater for some and others not. It is simply the season that each of us uniquely is in at this time in our lives that will answer those questions.
Why do we need this time change of the mind? We are all probably going through a time of transition during this time in our lives no matter who we are or what we are doing. God’s times and seasons always change for His Glory and Will but it is also to bring His hopes for us into fruition. This is a time of year that God wants us to transition our mindsets into a time of rest so that we will be ready for the next position, work, or promotion that He has for each of us. Without that rest, we will not be ready for what is next let alone make it through it in a healthy way. We can only do this if we have a change of our mindsets at the perfect time. Now is that time.
Let’s be watchful in our dreams for what God has for us to do to transition us smoothly into His rest. We have a tendency to argue or disagree with His plans at times because it doesn’t flow well with our own desires especially during the Holidays. Will we be willing, watchful, and walk with Him in this time instead of stepping into those same footsteps we have ingrained into the ground from our past walks?