Last week I shared how God was transplanting us from one field of drought to another field of His bounty and nutrient-rich soil.

This week’s Dreamcast looks warm and

mostly sunny with a few gentle showers

of nourishment and clarity.

This means that God is providing more nourishment for us to grow and mature healthily in this new place. He is also washing away some of the dirt that cover our eyes from seeing what He wants us to see, His messages, with clarity. With remembering the warmth of the Son, we may feel a bit more joy as well, in our dreams and out of them.

This week our dreams may look and feel healthier and a clarity of vision may come to us in some of those areas where we are uncertain, questioning or lacking understanding. We may see the answers in our dreams or their interpretations or it may come like a light that has just been switched on.

This may look and feel different to some of us. It may seem negative to those who do not understand what God is doing but if we will remember how we all feel after a good shower, it may help to remember the process of how even that works. Even when we are hungry and are given a healthy meal, we may feel like a good nap is in order afterwards, but we feel and have more energy and strength to keep moving.

Don’t miss the signs of God’s Goodness and enjoy His treasures this week! Bring on the rain!