I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends this past week! Our family did and now we head into one of MY favorite times of the year. We are also about to head into a new and different time spiritually as well. God has shared that He is thinning the veil again between the natural and the spirit realm. We have probably heard of this happening or going to happen in the past and now it’s happening once again. This will be a revelationary time for some and a longer season for others.

Many things can happen as God allows the veil to thin. All across time, many things have already happened due to this thinning, great things and small things. In this time and season, it may be very different in what it will bring and show to some of us than we expect. It will not look the same as it has in the past, nor should it. God is allowing us to have not only a greater view but also a tangible interaction with His Kingdom and what is happening in it as He thins the very veil that covers its mysteries. As with anything new, it can come to us as a shock or an immediate acceptance.

What should we expect? For many of us, revelation will increase and intensify in many ways. New and more vivid spiritual dreams, visions, encounters, visitations, understandings, and knowledge will be uncovered and released upon us all. Some will receive it and others will not. Those who do not dream, will. Those who normally do not see, hear, feel or know in the spirit, will. Those who see little will see greater and more vividly. Those who hear will hear more clearly and greater things. Visions will be enhanced and angelic visitations and encounters with God will be more frequent. Each encounter with God is already vivid enough but some who have lost the sensations of His touches in any way will find a fresh renewal.

Although this season may be a shorter time for some, others may continue for a longer duration. However, although it may seem to soon diminish, do not believe it has left us. We ebb and flow with the waves and flowing of the Power of the Spirit of God. There is a time to slow and be restful in order to continue on through each wave to come. For some, this will come as a downer because we enjoy it and want to stay in it, understandably, but for others it will be a welcomed rest from the overwhelming newness and acceleration.

During this Holiday Season, be watchful to what is here and coming from the Lord and not just what twinkles in the physical lights around you. Will you be too busy to notice what God is showing and giving you? I hope we all choose to be a revelationary in the days and weeks to come. We all see in part and know in part. I hope to hear what part God is showing and giving each one of us as He reveals more of His mysteries!

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