Remember these are only suggestions of what they “could” mean. The Holy Spirit may want it to represent something only He can give you. It can also change due to the context of the dream.)

  1. FALLING- Losing control, fear of failure, lack of confidence, “pride coming before the fall”, overworked, in danger of breakdown, falling “in” to something, surrendering and letting go.
  2. TEETH- Falling out, missing or loose: Lack of understanding, misinterpreting, biting off more than you can chew, lack of wisdom, indecisive. EYE TEETH: Revelation coming. WISDOM TEETH: Wisdom to come or wisdom missing or removed, in need of great wisdom. INCISORS: Being decisive or indecisive, worry. FALSE TEETH: False wisdom added by outside sources, giving or receiving through human reasoning in error. BRUSHING TEETH: Carefully choosing right words and thoughts by removal of deterrents and hinderances.
  3. FLYING- You can overcome obstacles and situations by seeing a higher perspective, prophetic gifting to see into the spirit realm, the want to escape, promotion.
  4. BEING CHASED- unning away or evading a situation or decision, past issues, consequences, guilt and shame need to be dealt with by forgiving yourself. “the wicked flee when no one pursues…” Proverbs 28:1 The enemy coming to rob, cause fear to lose sight of your identity. Running away from your calling or destiny.
  5. NAKED IN PUBLIC- Being transparent, open, vulnerable, without hidden agendas; defenseless, uncovered, unsupported, ashamed.
  6. PREGNANT- New idea, new ministry, new chapter, new direction or revelation is growing and soon will be birthed; fruitfulness, reproductive, overflowing. Men and women can have these dreams.
  7. TAKING A TEST (Unprepared for Test or Event)- Lack of confidence, feeling unworthy, lack of prayer, lack of meditation upon the Word, God proving you’re ready when you feel you are not. The test comes before promotion. IF PREPARED: Confident in your training or growth; trying to prove yourself to others.
  8. DRIVING OUT OF CONTROL- Feel you have no control over a situation, careless, irresponsible decisions, warning to exercise more caution, needing a “break”, time to slow down, stress and anxiety.
  9. BEING LATE- Feeling out of sync with the right timing of something, feeling left behind; slow, not taking enough time to prepare, undisciplined, lacking faith in God’s perfect timing.
  10. BATHROOM- A place of cleansing, purification. CAN’T FIND A BATHROOM: In need of cleansing of relational toxins, worry, tension and waste but it’s not yet the right place and time. CLEANSING WITH NO DOOR OR WALL: You are transparent in the cleansing you are going through whether on the surface (shower/bath), urinating on toilet (internal toxins), or defecating on toilet (deep internal toxins, you use it as a testimony; if afraid, ashamed to let anyone see the cleansings you go through.
  11. TRAPPED- Feeling that there is no way out of a situation; consequences of actions, entanglement of the enemy to stop you from moving into God’s plan.
  12. WATER- CLEAR: Swimming pool or clear water can mean the clarity of vision or revelation of something God wants us to see. A clear, blue waterfall would suggest an outpouring of this. MIRKY, UNCLEAR: This can mean a time of unclarity of vision. We are looking for something and we can’t seem to see it or the answer clearly. DARK WATER: The clarity of vision is even less visible here. It is a time of the unknown, that God will soon reveal to us. BLACK WATER: This is can be an attack of the enemy to shut our eye from the vision we need to see in life, however it could also be where we block it out ourselves through stubbornness or rebellion.
  13. DROWNING- In over your head, bad choices, the feeling of being taken over by circumstances of the world; suffocating, needing the Breathe of Life, In need of saving, prayer time and meditating on the Word is greatly needed here; living in the world more than the spirit.
  14. BACK IN SCHOOL- Going back to school, preparing for a test. PRESCHOOL/ DAYCARE: You want to be taken care. ELEMENTARY: In need of learning the fundamentals of life, a time to use a childlike approach when speaking or teaching, relearning or being reminded of elementary things, on spiritual milk. HIGH SCHOOL: Going to higher places spiritually with God. In need of relearning or remembering a higher learned thing. COLLEGE: Learning a much greater and higher thing with God or being reminded if already known. Skills need sharpening in any of these areas; learning new and higher spiritual ways, promotion.
  15. CHILDHOOD HOME OR PLACE- A childhood issue is needing to be dealt with or healed.
  16. SEEING DEAD RELATIVES: To see a relative that has passed away could be a spiritual visit from them, an angel taking their appearance to comfort you or give you a message; It could relate to a name, gifting, job, calling or characteristic that they had that relates to you.
  17. LOST- You have lost your direction by wandering onto the wrong path, lost goals and purpose of life, no answers, a time of unfamiliarity of where you are. If God has promoted you, be careful not to confuse your new territory with a land of the lost.
  18. MONEY- To receive money is to gain favor with man and God, prosperity, success, promotion, provision, inheritance, wealth, blessings. Can also mean greed if hoarding or locking it up for yourself. TAKEN: favor has been taken from you, robbed. Pray for justice and repayment and pray to stop it before it can happen. GIVE: to share the wealth of heaven with others, giver, provider, abundance to share, healing, to prosper others in life by money, gifts, resources, relationship, love.
  19. MEETING FAMOUS PERSON- To meet a famous person, it could mean their name, the type of actor they are or who they are behind the scenes. It could also speak of your wanting attention or to be seen with importance, value, success as they are instead of seeing your own unique value and importance. Learn to love and value yourself.
  20. BABY/TODDLER- To see a baby or toddler in your dream, it can mean you have something new, alive and developing. It can be birthed through you, passed down to you or given to you from someone else’s neglect. Nurture it and help it grow strong to it’s fullest potential.