continuing on from part 3 of “A Dream’s Journey” diagram we will look at answering the question “What can be done about the Original Dream Messages from God that get intercepted and overtaken by our soul and the enemy?”.  The good news is that we CAN get the Orignal Message back.

The first thing we need to do is remember, once we wake up with these intercepted dreams, that these messages are not necessarily Truths, but they can be facts. Fact and Truth are not always the same. “Truth”(divine certainty) can always be factual but “true facts”(moral certainty) can’t always be “Truth”(divine certainty). Capital T versus lowercase t, if you will. This will help us decide on which one we REALLY want. We want The True Message of this dream and not the true facts the interceptors want us to believe.

So what do we do to bring back the True Message? We convert it. What does that mean? We convert what our soul and the enemy is saying in the dream that is negative whether it is factual or not and speak Truth instead. For example: we have a dream from the enemy that causes us to be afraid as someone is chasing us. We are running away from whatever it is chasing us even if we can’t see it. To find the Truth that is the Original Message from God, we convert it in one of two ways. First, we can write out the dream on paper and mark out every negative word, phrase, and situation and replace it with a positive word(s) that God would say to us and then reread it to see a more Truthful Message.

Secondly, we can interpret what we believe the dream means in its negative form and then once again replace all that is negative with the Godly Truth that He would be saying to us instead. Then reread our interpretation. Such as this dream. For example: The enemy would be saying that he is intently causing fear in our path of life and he will not stop chasing us because he is trying to stop us from doing what we should be doing in our life. This gets us off course by getting our focus off of who we really are in God. However, God would say that the opposite of fear is love and He loves us and will lead us into what He has in store for our lives. He will help us to always be moving toward His will and not away. We are more on track with the Lord or the enemy wouldn’t be trying to get us off course.

A soul dream would be converted the same way. For example: We have a dream where we are arriving late for work. No matter what we do we can’t seem to get to where we need to be on time. We get anxious, nervous, and irritated. So, now you can use either way or we just discussed converting those negative words, phrases, or situations into what God would say to us in love. Then reread the dream or interpretation you have. Example: The soul would be expressing the feeling that we can not catch up in life or get to where we think we should be. It’s irritating and tiring. Should we quit? What would God say? No, of course, don’t quit! God would say stop trying so hard to get to a place we are not supposed to be yet. We are on God’s timing and not our own. Rest knowing that His time is perfect time and we may be further ahead than we think. We just may not be able to see it yet. Be anxious for nothing…

As we get the dream messages converted back into God’s Orginal Message of Love for us, we should thank Him and give Him Glory. All in all, what starts with Him as He sends out His messages to us, should be returned back to Him with Love and Glory. So I guess the best way to put it is that what starts with God will end with God. How amazing that we can be aware and enjoy that journey with Him from start to finish.