Do you get overwhelmed when you try to interpret your own dreams especially when they are very detailed? It’s seeing a compilation of many different things all at once and it’s easy to get lost in it. What do you focus on when everything in the dream looks like it may be important? Let me help you take the first steps in calming that chaos. Begin with prayer. Without praying, nothing will be revealed that should be seen and these next steps will only leave you lacking in the end. If there is one thing that I will always teach you and that you should always remember, “ALL revelation from God is a call to prayer!” Now that you understand that, let’s move forward.

The first step is to stop trying to see the entire dream as a bunch of little pieces that mean something. Although they do mean something, they aren’t all in your dream for the same purpose. So how do you know which parts to focus on? The best way I can answer this is simply ‘do not write ALL of your dream down as soon as you wake up’. Yes, I know I teach you all to write out your dreams in full but what I am referring to here is instead of writing down the entire dream, write down the main details of your dream first as soon as you wake up. How do you do that? It’s simple. First, make sure you have a writing utensil and a small notepad or way to jot down your dream details closely beside you. Secondly, when you wake up after the dream write it down in a way that highlights ONLY the main details, or those things that stand out to you. The point here is to ‘keep the main things, the main things’. This will alleviate the overwhelming desire to make every symbol and detail of your dream stand out. Now what?

As soon as you possibly can you need to write out your entire dream in a journal, notebook, or something you choose. This is where writing out only the main details on your notepad will really help you. When you start writing out your dream you will not only be writing in your main details but also everything thing else. You will begin to see the difference between those main details and all of the, let’s call them the filler details. Now, highlight those main details in a way that stands out to you by underlining or circling them. Now can you see overwhelming chaos starting to lose power here?

From here the next step is to begin looking up and trying to understand the symbols and areas you designated as main details. As you do this write the definitions and understandings right above those highlighted main details and reread your dream with those definitions in place of the main details. You may actually see the interpretation of your dream! This is not always the case but it can and has happened. When you get the interpretation of your dream you will see where those filler details come in. They can add more life and dimension to the story but they are not the main things.

By understanding the differences between the main details and the filler details you can regain your power over the chaos that you were once seeing, giving you the confidence to step out and learn more on how to understand and interpret your dreams instead of giving up on them.