Over the years I have learned very many things about dreams and I am still growing. I have taught those same skills and knowledge to many of you as well and simply added to what you already knew. One thing that the Lord has brought to my attention today is that during these times of difficulty, battles, and war here at home and in other parts of the world, He will be putting many of us in a place of intercession (to pray; to stand in the gap for) for these places and issues. Therefore our dreams and visions will be a vehicle that God uses to show us what to pray for. Where the issue comes in is when we have these dreams and visions and we make them something prophetic they are not or release words that are not meant to be released. Just to be blunt and put it out there, most of our dreams and visions are not prophetic like we want them to be. When I say the word “prophetic” here, I mean the Lord releasing to us information about the future. We must make sure we know if it is before we respond or react. Some people are just going to jump on that bandwagon no matter what but for the rest of us who truly want to do the will of the Lord, let me teach you a few tips on how to be sure that it is prophetic before stepping into it.

First of all, we need to know how the Holy Spirit uses our dreams and visions to show us prophetic things. As with any revelation, or message from the Lord, we should pray over it FIRST for our own sake. Then in dreams, you will need to make sure to know whether the dream is ABOUT YOU or someone else and whether the dream message is FOR YOU or someone else. If we don’t start here then we can really make the dream about anything we want. How do we find out if the dream is about us or someone else? It’s like finding the main character of a story. Take your dream and see who or what is in the dream that is the MAIN persons or things that stand out. Tip: you are ALWAYS in the dream even if you are observing. You are still there watching, whether you are participating or not. So start with you, then the main person or persons or main things, and take them out of the story one by one and see if the dream story changes. If the dream story completely changes or the dream can’t happen or play out without them, then they are the WHO the dream is about. Now, we can find out if that main character or WHO the dream is ABOUT is the same person or thing the dream message is FOR. Ah, got you there didn’t I? There really is more to this…

Can the dream message be for the Main Character of EVERY dream?


YES- If YOU are the Main Character in the dream (the WHO the Dream is ABOUT) then YOU automatically are WHO the Dream Message is for…Easy Peazy. MOST of your dreams will be like this, since MOST of your dreams are ABOUT and FOR YOU. That’s why I said to start with you first. NO- If the Main Character is NOT YOU and is not a tangible/real person or thing to you in your life then automatically the dream message is still for YOU as well. Another Easy Peazy…

BUT(on some occasions) How do you know if it’s for someone or something else?

1. You will find the Main Character will NOT be YOU but instead SOMEONE or SOMETHING else.

2. They will be a tangible/real person or thing in your life or surroundings.

3. As a GENERAL RULE (not set in stone) you will be more of an observer in the dream so you can see what is or should be happening.  

 4. If all of these apply to your dream then the dream message is mainly for someone or something else (main character).

~BUT KNOW THIS…(pro tip) There is also the answer of YES AND NO at the same time! The dream message will still be for YOU FIRST, no matter what, and THEM SECOND… Why? Because YOU received the dream message, not them. So, God has entrusted the message, of how to help that someone or something (usually through prayer/intercession), to YOU.  So the dream message is mainly for THEM but you are getting the sneak peek of what is happening behind the scenes in order to help them or the situation. It’s important! Let that sink in a little, put it into practice some, then we will continue with part 2.