The last couple of weeks we have been looking at what God was doing while we transitioned into the new season and now we have arrived. We have been given a glimpse of what will be coming in this new season and as we take it all in we wait for the next step. Getting here for some of us was harder than others. We may have struggled with pressures, losses, frictions, burnings from winds of accelerated changes, heat, and tiredness as we pushed through the debris in order to walk through this new door.

It is like transitioning into owning a new piece of land. As we walk through the new gate we can see our territory looking larger or smaller than our personal expectations. As we stand there gazing at the new view and taking it all in, we are breathing hard from our work but it begins to slow down as we are able to finally stand still. Now, we can not only see where we are but we also can feel where we are and what is around us in the atmosphere. We begin to feel a cool and gentle breeze that welcomes us and reminds us to relax and enjoy the moment of finally arriving. It gently and lovingly restores as it cools us from the burnings, frictions, and heat we have endured.

This is where many of us are now and are quickly entering into. Although all around and in us there are heartaches, pains, sufferings, and challenges, we have to remember that God is Spirit and when His Spirit realm changes, it will soon echo into the natural realm. God is that cool and gentle breeze that we need and He is helping us to catch our breath, relax and enjoy this view of our new place even if only for a moment.

What’s next? Taking our first real step into what God has for us here individually and as the Church. With every first step, there must be faith to take it. Sometimes God’s instructions come to us before we take our first step and other times it will come after we take that first step by faith. Until that time, try to enjoy this moment you’re in. Enjoy God’s cool and gentle breeze of restoration and fresh air that’ll help take us forward into all He has for us in our new place.