A-Assessing- Guessing- Just like we may look at people and label them by their actions or the way they dress or look, so we label a dream by how it looks. Of course, we know this is a wrong action in judging man and it is also a wrong action in judging the dream. We can still use it as one step to confirm WHO sent the dream. When we wake up, instead of quickly making a judgmental decision, go further by looking at the colors and emotions to confirm what you think you know.

C-Color- Color is a great way to see where our dream comes from. When looking at color in a dream, watch for the atmosphere. Was it bright, sunny or a normal lighted day? Was it hazy or with muted colors? Was it sunset, black and white or midnight dark? You can also look at the detail items in the dream, as well. Were there pastel colors or dark black toned colors? Here is a quick breakdown of how colors connect with the dreams from God, our Soul and Satan. Remember this is only a guideline and NOT set in stone. God will speak to each person uniquely.

E-Emotions-Emotions are a great way to see where our dreams come from. Our emotions come from our soul (mind, will & emotions). Your dreams that have a lot of emotions such as fear, dread or death, could be from Satan and not the soul, however a lot of emotions such as anxiety, weeping, sadness, depression, etc. would be coming from the soul. Make sure you are assessing the emotions INSIDE the dream and NOT how you feel when you wake up.