One truth about dreams is this, people are either going to be interested in them or they are not. Most of the time the people that are not interested in them change their minds about them at some point in their lives because a dream changes them somehow. It may be a dream from someone else that affects them or their own dream does. What kind of dream can do this after all of the normal dreams they or others have had? It’s a mystery. Or is it?

We as man are the reason why dreams look mysterious in the first place. We have chosen to allow the enemy to rob from us the true meaning of dreams and replace them as being mysteries. Here is one dream mystery that can easily be solved. We have come to the place where we don’t care about what our dreams mean unless they are this amazing or beautiful spiritual dream that takes a hold of us and won’t let go. Although they are captivating they can be compared to how children have growth spurts when they are growing up. For months the children will be growing along without much notice and then BAM they have this growth spurt and they eat more and grow like 4 inches in a month (exaggeration I know).

Amazing spiritual dreams are like these growth spurts in that we will dream normally for a long time and then one day we have an amazing dream that nothing compares to. Now, all of a sudden we begin to compare all of our dreams to that one and the rest are not as interesting anymore. We now give them less attention because all we are focused on are those big and amazing spiritual dreams we are waiting to have again. But, just like those growth spurts in our physical bodies, our spirits are growing the same way. We can’t make our bodies grow any faster but we can help them grow strong and healthy to be more prosperous by allowing them to grow in their natural flow. Our dreams are helping us grow spiritually every day in its natural flow. Growth spurts in our bodies and our dreams come occasionally and are part of that normal flow. Those normal everyday dreams are the ones that help us grow the most. Those amazing and captivating dreams come to show us our time for promotion but without the everyday normal dreams, we would never have gotten there.

The point is that God is sending us His messages, speaking to us, in every dream. He may be speaking louder through those amazing, spiritual dreams to get our attention but that doesn’t mean that He sends us any more love in them than He sends in our normal dreams. We read the Bible and many people in there have these amazing “God said” dreams and it causes us to want that the most too. However, you have to remember that those people still had everyday normal dreams as well and I am sure they listened or their lives would have turned out much differently. They chose to grow with the flow. Just because they didn’t write them all down for us doesn’t mean they are any less important. We are all proof of that today just as they were back then. God speaks gently, softly, casually, and even loudly at times. We can choose to have “selective hearing” to hear only what we want to listen to or we can let God know how important all of His messages are to us. It’s simple. Mystery solved.