A Dream’s Journey was posted last week in a diagram form to give an overview of “the bigger picture” of where a dream comes from, how we receive it, and what we can do with it. This week I would like to explain what some of the sections mean in detail and then we will follow up with the last portions in the next couple of weeks.

As you can see at the top of the diagram it begins with God, “God’s Original Message”, and as I show you how His Message travels, you will see that His Message will also end with Him as well. So, why does a dream begin as God’s Message? I believe that God is the very first dreamer who had the very first dream and He has a unique dream and plan for each of our lives.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

If the Father has a unique dream and plans for each of us, He would also have the desire to communicate with us the instructions we need in order to fulfill those plans. Therefore, He will send us instructions through dream messages and other unique ways of communication. The way He will send those messages out to us is by way of His holy angelic messengers or direct (personally, Himself) by His own power.

How do we know which way His message has been sent? There are several ways to know, but one way is by the dream’s color. Those dreams you have that are very vivid in beautiful colors and you feel the presence of God in them are usually “direct from God” dreams. However, you may at rare times have a dream that is directly from God that is not in beautiful vivid colors. I believe it depends on the type of message He is sending you that reveals His color pallet. We receive these dream messages when the Father is making sure He bypasses all possible deterrents and hindrances that could interfere with His original message of intent in order for us to urgently receive the message unaltered and remain pure Truth.

The other vehicle of God’s Original Message is by way of a holy angelic messenger.

Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob,’ and I said, ‘Here I am!’

Genesis 31:11

As you can see in this scripture, the holy angelic messenger can also be inside the dream personally giving you “God’s Original Message”. In these dreams, the colors will usually not be in bright vivid colors but can be in normal daytime colors or even in a slightly hazy setting. The message is still the same as if coming directly from the Father Himself but they alternately have the opportunity to be deterred and hindered before we receive them turning them into a totally different image and message. If this happens, what would that make God’s Orignal Message look like in our dreams?…

Stay tuned for Part 3 for the answer and MORE!