As we continue on from last week’s discussion of A Dream’s Journey Diagram, this week we will look at what happens and what it looks like when our Original Dream Message from God is intercepted by deterrents and hindrances. Not all of our Original Messages will be intercepted, especially those that will come directly from God Himself by His own power. In those cases, the message is perfectly intact and can be interpreted from its metaphoric (parabolic) state into its True Message from the Lord. However, there are more times than not a deterrent or hindrance that will come and intercept the Original Message from our angelic messenger and change it into an internal message or even counterfeit it into an untrue message.

One of the interceptors is our own soul. Our soul is made up of our mind (natural mindsets), our will (choices), and our emotions (reactions). It’s almost as if we can see the mailman coming with our letter and we begin to try and negotiate, argue, and cry out for help with our issues we are dealing with discussed in said letter. Understand this happening is NOT always a bad thing. This is also how we grow, mature, and learn more about ourselves and our relationship with the Father and in our lives. This is where God can correct us, get us back on the right paths, warn us of things we need to change before it gets ugly, and even let us know how GOOD we REALLY are doing that we just don’t see yet. He is teaching us how to see more through His eyes, rather than our own rational eyes. These dreams do not have bright and vivid colors but can be with a normal daytime background setting, a darker setting, and even a very dark background setting. Here is a tip: the darker the soul dream, the deeper the internal issue you are dealing with inside you.

The second interceptor is the enemy (satan). The enemy can and will at times take our Original Message hostage and change it for his agenda for evil leaving us with a nightmare to cause all sorts of discomfort. His agenda is to get your mind off of who you truly are (your true identity) by means of fear tactics, pains, and darkness. For many people, this can and does affect their daily lives. These dreams are usually dark and void of much color but can also have hazy colors within them. The colors are muted and you can even have them in black and white scale. They are usually ominous and dreadful.

So is there anything we can do to change these dreams? ABSOLUTELY! This is why I say time and time again “Do NOT dismiss any of your dreams!” We will look at WHAT can be done to get our Original Message from God back from these interceptors in our NEXT WEEK’S discussion! So, stay tuned.

One more thing I would like to share is how our BODY can show us “dream-like” images that are NOT dreams. Knowing how to distinguish them from a soulish dream can be a little tricky at times. Our body can cause us to see images and scenes due to medications, sickness, fever, recreational drugs, and eating sugar and certain spices close to bedtime. They can seem vivid in color but they usually make no sense (more than even a soulish dream). These are images from our body working overtime to heal or deal with what is in our body, even digestion, and usually can’t be interpreted. HOWEVER, they have symbols or metaphoric short clips in them that may stand out to you that God is highlighting and those CAN and SHOULD be interpreted. See you next week!