When I was young, even into my twenties and thirties, I felt that everything I did in my life had a glitch and I felt stuck. I felt like my dreams for my life were useless and it was very hard to keep hope alive in my heart. I grew up knowing what God says about me, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” in Jeremiah 29:11, but that’s not what I saw in my life. It was hard trying to be happy and I see many of my friends and people I know going through the same thing.

In my late thirties, God began to reveal to me the Truth so that I could relearn how to see and walk in life with a renewed hope and with dreams that were alive. God is and has an Artesian well of hopes and dreams for EACH one of us! He doesn’t discriminate nor does he have more for one than the other. So why can’t our lives, our hearts see that well pour out onto us and vividly show up in our lives? It’s because our pipes get clogged. The water is there and trying to flow freely but things of this world, clog it up. Things like our own bad choices, other peoples bad choices against us, unforgiveness, trauma, disease (dis-ease), disappointments, deferred hopes (Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12), unfulfilled dreams, pain, rejection, discontentment and so much more. None of this was God’s plan for us and yet we deal with it every day.

So what can we do about these clogged pipes? First, we can pray to our Father and confess what we have done that is our own fault and what has been done to us at no fault of our own. Secondly, believing God hears us and receives our prayer, we ask Him to remove those clogs that hinder His flow of Living Water of His hopes and dreams for our future. Here is an example of how you say this prayer: “Father I confess to You with my heart all that I have done and what others have done to me willingly and unwillingly to clog the pipes of Your Living Water from freely flowing in me. I know that you have a plan for me of great hopes and dreams. I ask that you now open these clogged pipes and help me to keep them open in the Name of Jesus. Amen.” You may need to pray this more than once. Remember that some things can change in your life immediately and most of the time it is slower to change. God is more about quality than quantity.

Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Matthew 7:9-11 NKJ

Did you know the same things can affect our dream life? How many people do you know do not dream or can’t remember their dreams and really want to? The same Artesian well of Living Water sends us our dream messages but our pipes will get clogged the same way. My pipes were clogged until December 28, 2011, when I prayed this same type of prayer you read above and my life completely changed! Of course, my pipes got flushed out for over a year after that day with so many dreams that I asked God to slow the flow. LOL, I guess my pipes were cemented up. Don’t be surprised if your pipes get flushed out similarly. Even those of us who do dream have pipes that need flushing at times. What we don’t need is a clogged pipe that hinders what God wants to give us and tell us to bring our hopes to fruition and our dreams to life. Let’s get back into the flow with The Living Water the way we were created to be.