Dreams are very interesting, to say the least. There are so many things that can happen in dreams and many things we can see. Some of what we think we see in dreams are really something else and sometimes God doesn’t tell us any different until He is ready to do so. I would like to talk about that a little more even though this will be a “touchy” subject for some of you.

Case in point, some of us may have a dream of what we think is the great battle, war, end of days, judgment day, etc. We can see things vividly like a battle going on, angels and demons fighting, swords swinging, bullets blazing and even blood spilled. Because the dream is so vivid we know it must be from God and it looks just like we have read in scripture; those things to come. We automatically assume the dream is about the end because it is the way WE see it. Either way, God is trying to tell us something important so we won’t miss His message. So, what is His message? Is it about the end of days or could it be about US?

One of the most important things we need to learn is that our dreams are mostly about US individually! God is speaking to us about ourselves. Many times those dreams and visions with the end of days type scenes are God showing us that it is about US and not a futuristic war. Can we even imagine the possibility that God is revealing to us that there is a spiritual battle over/about US? We all have a calling, a destiny to fulfill and the enemy will stop at nothing to keep us from it. Why? Because those of us who follow God and His plan for our life are a threat. Our gifts, our calling, our hearts are a threat to the enemy’s plan. Plus the enemy only comes to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) Those battle scenes could be God’s way of not only showing us that battle is truly happening but also that we will breakthrough because of that battle.

However, there are times when God will speak to us about another person or event INCLUDING things like the end of days. Why does God send us dreams of another person or thing even of the future? I will answer it this way… Another very important thing we need to learn is that EVERY dream, vision, revelation from God is a CALL TO PRAYER! We should ALWAYS pray over what God gives us and shows us for its understanding and its true interpretation. God shows us those end of days dreams, visions, events, and dreams of other people to pray for them or that situation. Why would God need us to pray for the end of days events or situations? To pray for God’s will to be done today and tomorrow until we reach the end. The battles still rage but the ending war is to come. He wants us to be a part of His plan, even the end. We have the power to help because there is power in our prayers.

It may seem much more important to see those things of the future with end of days scenarios but God thinks WE are more valuable than even it. He wants to encourage us in the fight, to not lose hope, to strengthen us to break through. We all want to be a part of God’s big master plan and feel valuable and important and guess what? He tells us that we are in every dream and vision. We are battle-worthy and God will fight for us and beside us. Those intense images we see may be Him showing us EXACTLY that worthiness. No matter what we dream or see, we have a part to play today to help not only ourselves but also others in their parts for tomorrow.