For those of us who are in a time of dream overflow or flushing dreams that is getting rid of the old things in order to transition us into the new, we must also remember those who may have already gone through this time. They may have gone through this within the last few weeks or so and there are those who will not go through it for a little while longer. We also need to know that flushing out the old things can also come through another avenue instead of dreams. There can be things that have accelerated and feel like flooding in our lives that will be our way of transitioning out of the old and into the new season.

So what should we expect after a time of flushing? First, notice that I said, “a time” and not “a season”. The new season is where we are headed and is longer (timewise) than just a time. Normally this time of flushing is short compared to the season that we transition into. Some of us will get there faster than others. There are some that will be in a slower transition. Why? Let me explain it like this: in the natural, we are always in a season. There is always a transition into each season of change. For instance, this year as we move into the Autumn/Fall season, we know that the official day of Autumn/Fall begins on September 22nd. However, we have already begun to see the physical changes begin in some foliage. The temperature and other signs of that change can increase between now and the first official day of Autumn/Fall or it may not. So, we know when to expect the new season but sometimes the changeover can be visible earlier than expected or there may be years when the change is much slower and the signs come much later than the official day of expected change.

This is also how the spiritual transition into new seasons will come as well. Each of us has our own personal time and season. The Church body also has its own as a whole. Personally, each one of us will ebb and flow just like the seasons in the natural. The difference may be for some people, that time of change can be blocked or hindered. We have to choose to flow in and stay in the timing of God for our best benefits or we can choose to stay in our own timeless loop of stagnancy. The struggle to stay there and hold onto the old is much more difficult and can cost valuable time, life, health, and strength to name a few. On the lighter side of this may be a good explanation of why the flushing of dreams or life can make us feel tired during its process of elimination but after it is finished, we feel refreshed and alive. We have chosen to let the old go and stay in the timing of God, instead of our own fleshly desires.

Now as we transition into the natural change of seasons let’s be reminded of the change of the spiritual seasons as well, individually and as the Church body. There is no greater season than the season of change no matter how it may look from the outside. Underneath the surface is an Awakening; a Release of life, a surge of Revelation, Renewal, Restoration, and even Rest. May we all choose to flow to grow as the new seasons approach us all.