CREATURE SYMBOLS-Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Fish, Insects

All Definitions Copied from A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary by Dr. Barbie Breathitt-Breath of the Spirit Enterprises, LLC

Arranged by: Michielle Ray & Amanda Baggett

Alligator– large powerful mouth of an envious person in authority telling strong “tales” that are propelled through groups of people; an enemy who is moving below or behind the scene to ruin a person’s life, to devour with words that bite to drag their victim down in a death–roll tearing chunks from their flesh then bury them by slander, gossip or verbal abuse; demon or evil spirit influencing an enemy to speak words of accusation; Leviathan – only the Lord has power over it; Jb 41:1–10; Ps 74:14; 104:26; 9:13; Le 11:29. Crocodile: Leviathan, Jb 41, a devourer of man, untrustworthy associates, predator, demonic spirit of death, devil, religious spirit, adverse influence seeking your destruction, a deceitful person of authority working undercover to destroy with biting words of accusation and slander, consider the saying ‘crocodile tears’ a pretender who seeks your sympathy, a manipulator.

Ant-hardworking cooperation with others; ability to prepare; a skilled builder; social habits; economy; industry; wisdom in preparing for the future; stores up for the winter Pr 6:6–8; little strength but carries great weight, Pr 30:25; unselfish work; industrious teamwork; organized; diligence with an ability to prepare concerning the things of God; stores up substance and provisions during times of plenty; annoyance; new trials; wide–ranging unhappiness in life; feeling neglected and insignificant; something small, petty or pesky creeping into your life trying to annoy, irritate, cut off or destroy your potential. Cooperation and teamwork is the only way to achieve your desires. Expect increased business activities. On a less positive note, ants symbolize social conformity or pressure; and mass compliance making life too structured, rigid, and orderly.

Bear-fierce fighters; remove yourself from any further entanglement; ignore issues through hibernation; overwhelmingly competitive; cursed due to sin; economic loss; financial ruin. 1 Sa 17:34–36; 2 Sa 7:8. Word plays: “I will bear with you”, “I cannot bear anymore,” “forebear: an ancestor.”

Bee- symbolizes orderly diligence, hard work and industry, increase in trade; cooperative teamwork; sense of order; “busy as a bee”; busybodies; a host of industrious people, gossip; good luck; bravery; purity; abstinence; royalty queen bee; Jg 14:8; harmony and pleasure in children, profits and bliss as they produce honey or sweetness in prayer. Bees are also known for their painful unexpected sting of anger which brings hurt, misfortune, and trouble from a friend; “Who put a bee in your bonnet?” A swarm of bees indicates an overwhelmingly positive (workers being sent to help) or negative situation; demonic or occult issues. Ps 118:12, Is 7:18. Words can produce sweet honey or stinging wounds of affliction; enemies that crowd around us; power to sting; a host of people; affliction. 1 Tm 5:13. Wild and domesticated: De 1:44; Mt 3:4. Bees flying around their hive indicates great success and prosperity, Ez 3; Re 10. Hornet: symbolize slanderous remarks; troubles and danger ahead; anger and temper get the best of you; to dream that you are stung by a hornet is an indication of stinging jealous words of revengeful and ruthless attitudes; guard against divisive words of gossip in relationships; demonic or occult harassment; Ex 23:28; De 7:20; Js 24:12. Busy bodies, powerful words that sting and wound; break off enemies that crowd around retarding your progress; witchcraft; sent by God to drive out the enemy; affliction, Is 7:18. Wasp: signifies angry words, thoughts and feelings; a stinging event in life.

Birds- Holy Spirit; a joyous messenger (the color is important); saints; Kingdom of God; a mother’s love; escape from a snare Ps 124:7; if unclean or dark in color or character: evil spirits; wicked rulers; hostile nations; leaders.

Butterfly- change; transformation into freedom; cross–pollinates; delicate; beautiful; glory; potential; grace; colorful beauty; migrates; has two eyes that see in the natural and ultraviolet realms with radiation generated by heat and cold; drinks nectar; used to cross-pollinate flowers and fruit; uses a cocoon as a launching pad; use their feet to taste; smell with their antennae. 2 Co 5:17; Ro 12:2. Monarch: metamorphosis involves great changes or spiritual transformation in many distinct areas of life; feeds on encouraging words and compliments; build up large reserves of resources; advances past the milk of the word; overcomes negative issues or weeds; if others try to devour, it will leave a bad taste in their mouth; persistence leads to rapid growth as a sovereign, sole and absolute ruler; outdoes others in pre–eminence and power.

Canary– happiness; comfort of a friend; messengers; song birds; represents knowledge, pleasures, scholarly honors, success, luxuries, and harmony; tittle–tattle of a gossip. 

Cardinal- Bird with a crested red plumage on its head, deep, vivid red color; represents pivotal wisdom that will lead to power; number your days; vitality and happiness; may mean a new order or you’re being positioned

Cat- Independent thinking; unclean spirit; crafty; mischievous; treachery; deceit; arrogance, pride, unteachable; if a personal pet, someone or something dear to your heart. Kitten: presenting a soft, playful demeanor; while developing an independent, aloof spirit.

Chicken, hen- protection; a gatherer; to mother; Israel; fear; gossip; cowardliness, chicken feet, chickenhearted, chicken feed Mt 23:37.

Cow- believers who are sanctified; sacrifice; food; playful; Ho 4:16; stiff–necked; rebellious attitude; selfish in giving financially; seasonal provision, meat or milk of the Word. Am 4:1.

Crane- This bird represents happiness, new things coming forth, inquisitive; maternal love, and your gestures of good will; you have an ability to look out for those who are near and dear to you; loyal friends alone; craning your neck for attention; or reaching high; long life; resurrection; renewal; Alone; solitary hunter, stays in the shallow waters, feeling of isolation; appointed times; Je 8:7. If flying: elevation or promotion. 

Crow-carrion; areas of your fleshly appetites needs to be crucified or die; clear communication; represents annoying bad habits, the darker part of your personality, weaknesses or character flaws. The crow may serve as thief, scavenger or a messenger from your unconscious harboring harmful or negative thoughts of rejection, sadness, misfortune; grief. stealing food; outspoken, hateful, envious; harasser; mocker “as the crow flies,” a straight path; God’s miraculous provision. Denying Christ, Jn 18:27.

Deer- swift, loved one; incredible ability, surefooted, longs for God’s presence; graceful; timid; 2 Sa 22:34. Seeking water; able to leap over obstacles; longing for the Lord; deep friendship; graceful; swift; surefooted; agile; timid. Hb 3:19; Ps 42:1.

Dog- symbolizes you are someone who exhibits the qualities of intuition, generosity, and fidelity; man’s best friend; a loyal companion; strong moral values; a guide; protection; good intentions; unconditional love; if it’s a personal pet: faithful, loyal, protective. If biting or a growling dog: it is a warning of evil attack, false teachers; a spirit of retaliation sown by Jezebel, 1 Ki 21; an unclean, vile, unredeemed spirit, Re 22:15; Ph 3:2; lying or being mistreated. Puppy: a young dog; a conceited or insolent youth; immature; undisciplined; needing to be trained; wayward; playful, carefree nature, a promising friendship; caring for: indicates reliability and honest, others can depend on you, during difficult times. The number of puppies or the age of the litter of newborn pups indicates the amount of time to mature, train or develop an idea. If you are rescuing a puppy you are looking to bring back a more lighthearted or happy–go–lucky side of your personality.

Dolphin- helpful and supportive people that aid, encourage and contribute; perfect harmony; unity; intelligent; good communicator; advancement through mental activity.

Donkey- hard–headed; stubborn; self–willed; if riding: victory over self–will and humility; Mt 21:5; Jb 11:12.

Dove-Holy Spirit descending with a message of love, advocates peace, reconciliation measures instead of war; deliverance and blessings, Beloved Son of God, Jesus; love; single focused; new life, a tender, gentle or innocent person; increase and peace, tranquility, harmony, and innocence; white doves symbolize romance, unity, loyalty and friendships; cleansing, mercy and removing your thoughts of hate and revenge; a sin offering. Offered in sacrifice by the poor; reconciliation with God; tender, devoted affection; mourning. The constellation Columba; easily deceived, silly without sense, Ho 7:11; Jn 1:32; Ps 55:6.

Dragonfly- symbolizes long overdue changes are needed; something in your life may not appear as it seems; lust or passions are ruling your life; fierce words or devouring jaws offend or hurt others’ feelings; “mosquito hawk,” good at outmaneuvering negative influences by detecting slight movements. 

Ducks: A water bird so water flows, troubles go and offensive words seem to roll off the backs of these individuals with seemingly no impact. Conversely, ducks can also represent discontentment; not able to receive spiritual blessings or being ungrateful. Ducks indicate a correlation between the spiritual realm because of their ability to fly and live on the water and the physical world because they are at home on land. A duck indicates flexibility, in that they have multiple talents or giftings because they can walk, run, swim and fly. Ducks are versatile in diverse habitats they can blend in or adapt in nature. However, ducks are not that smart so consider the term ‘a quack’ or “a sitting duck!” Be aware that someone may be trying to deceive you or set you up as an easy target. Are you or someone else trying to “duck” some responsibility? Are you being used as a decoy or a “wooden duck” in a blind? “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!” Sometimes things look too good to be true in those cases it usually is not true. Be very discerning.

Eagle- a prophetic person; eyes that see in the Spirit realm are rare; the seers anointing; a Prophet of God, nobility; access; revelatory gifts; no longer an endangered; bird of prey: “pray” for increase and breakthrough; powerful intellectual ability, light triumphing over darkness, 2 Sa 1:23. An unclean bird, Le 11:13; De 14:12.

Elephant- invincible; thick–skinned; not easily offended; large but graceful; a very big issue; very intelligent; ability to find water in drought; easily restrained; powerful potential in life; royal; enormous prosperity or good fortune; family and socially oriented; keen hearing, incredible memory; a religious spirit when it returns to revere the bones of the dead. Pr 28:13; Nu 32:23.

Fish- evangelism, Mk 1:17, men’s souls; newly saved; provision; food; Ez 4:19; 29:4–5; Le 11:9–12; Mt 4:19; 17:24, 27. Grace; souls; evangelism; speaking to fish means being informed, Jb 12:8; to rule over Ge 1:26; to smell fish is a false word or prophecy, something’s “fishy”; seeing fish in clear water: clarity is coming to bring success and prosperity; muddy water: confusion, grief, and difficulty in achieving your goals.

Fox- secret, hidden sins; enemies of the cross; skilled at evil; strong warning of danger from subtle; deception; risky venture; cunning; false prophet; wicked leaders; sly or evil person Lk 13:32, Ez 13:4; So 2:15.

Fly- lies; curse and nuisance; beelzebub the lord of the flies; demons or satanic beings; corruption of the house or demonic oppression or possession; unclean thoughts, surroundings, environment or atmosphere; trash or garbage is accumulation; a cold heart, no passion; symbolizes feelings of guilt or a breakdown in communication or plans; forewarn of a contagious sickness or disease; or being encircled by enemies; unhappiness; to exterminate the flies signifies regaining favor or honor after a fall; putting an end to negative irritations or vexations; an ability to recapture your loved ones heart and affections; Ex 8:21–22, 24, 29, 31; Ps 78:45, 105:31; Ec 10:1; Is 7:18 and 51:6.

Frog- demon spirits; witchcraft; evil words; puffed up; unclean spirits; speaking curses and spells, plague, devastation, lust and uncleanness; deceiving appearance, loud mouth, a croaking voice that leads to gossip. Re 16:13; Ex 8:1–15; Ps 78:45.

Hawk- bird of prey; “pray” for increase and breakthrough; victory; freedom; warrior able to overcome enemies who would like to take advantage of or make you their prey, Le 11:16 unclean; scavenger; minister; keen vision, “Hawkeye;” obtaining great rewards through pursuing your goals; acute awareness; quick judgment; predator, sorcerer, evil spirit; unclean, Ge 10:9; Ac 20:30; Jb 39:26.

Horse-powerful individual ministry. Seeing horses in your dream is a positive symbol that foretells of great conquest with loyal companions, adventures and fun. Great strength, swiftness, the power of the flesh, spiritual support that can carry you. Ps 32: 9; Je 8:6; Ps 66:12; Jb 39:19; Ze 10:3; Re 19:19.

Hummingbird– rapid success from a small beginning will be as sweet as honey; “flying jewels;” compact, strong muscles: tiniest of all birds, small ideas or concepts may possess much potential and power; high maneuverability to hover; travels at 65 mph then comes to a complete stop; flying forward, straight up and down, sideways, and backwards, obtain nectar and the sweet treasures of life and eat insects. Focus on the good, beauty and joy in people. They may indicate flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas; a metaphor representing an inability to commit to a relationship.  

Ladybug- a positive symbol of good luck; signifies cheerfulness and contentment in life; found in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio and Tennessee; actively searches out and eliminates threats and harassments; a beneficial protection at home and work from devourers; their spots fade with maturity; may indicate a lady who is bugging you. “Lady” is a title given Mary; devours harmful enemies; state insect of Delaware, protected from predators. When they light on you it means true love will find you.

Leopard- Predatorial, powerful leader, person that doesn’t change their spots or evil ways. A leopard is a dangerous, powerful, dishonest enemy or rival. To see a wild leopard in your dream suggests that you will eventually overcome your difficulties through persistence Ho 13:7; Je 5:6; Da7:6; Hb 1:8; Re 13:2.

Lion Jesus; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Ps17:12; kingship; strong; regal, King of Beasts; tears down; a hunter; a dignity; royalty; someone with great physical power; intimidation, fears nothing. If you get your “head in the lion’s mouth” get it out the best way possible. Na 2:11; Ez 19:2, Nu 24:9; terrifying teeth; breaks down strongholds; drinks the blood of victims; devours; rouse; crouches; enemies will fall in their attempts to bring you harm. 1 Pe 5:8, Re 5:5; Pr 30:30, 28:1 To see a lion in your dream represents a good person of great dignity, courage and respect. Lion, cubs: have many obstacles. Lioness: skilled hunter; eating spiritual meat; mother of young; aggressive queen; agile; authority; royalty; rouse; daring; rising; fangs; Jl 11:6; Ge 49:9.

Lizard- represents your great versatility in life. You are able to fit in with the people of lower status and also feel at home in kings’ palaces. You are bright, colorful and full of energy. Be aware of cold-hearted people who have developed a tough skin towards the needs of others, they want to make sport of you. Caught by the hand; found in kings’ palaces; false friends in close circles are planning treachery; lizard skin belts, shoes, wallets indicate the ability to overcome personal enemies; Pr 30:28; unclean, Le 11:29–30.

Moose- danger if cornered or surprised; change; power and great stature.

Monkey- foolish; playing, mischief, mocking spirit or demon, jesting, mischief; deceit; dishonesty using flattery and your influence falsely; Hb 1:9; addiction that clings to the back – “monkey on your back;” “monkey business”

Mouse- small irritations that devour your confidence; annoying fears; anxiety and worries; mousy; timid; thief; rodent; unclean sins; Le 11:29. Rat: disease; anxiety; deceives and desensitizes you; feeds off garbage and wrong thinking; wasting your life on meaningless pursuits; comes to steal; “rat on someone;” “rat race.” Works of the mind; false wisdom; abomination; despicable informant who betrays friends or associates; devourer; disease or plague.

Octopus- the diabolical spirit of Jezebel that entangles other people; operates with strong spirit of control and manipulation. Deceptive lies that slander and destroy a person’s reputation, inflicts confusion that causes despair and depression; a spirit of murder that leads to the victim contemplating suicide.

Owl, earthly– a night creature; predator; wisdom through earthly means; routinely secluded; not open; person who prefers to hide or withdraw; operates in the dark; an analytical mind focuses on self–protection; demon; curse Is 34:13. One who hides in the dark with heightened skills of observation and awareness; isolation; introspective; brooding; abandonment; doesn’t operate in the open; logical, critical, questioning mind. The owl is also synonymous with doom, death and transition; watchful evil eyes, De 14:16–17; monitors things of darkness, craftiness; their hoot indicates disappointments; demonic night creature; an abomination, Le 11:13–18; Is 13:21; 43:20; Je 50:30; Jb 30:29. Owl, heavenly: earthly or heavenly wisdom symbolizes Godly wisdom, counsel, insight, knowledge, and circumspect virtue from above is needed in life situations.

Panther- high–level witchcraft; powerful, adverse influence or force trying to bring dishonor to discredit your reputation, a football team; zoo animal; evil is approaching, Pr 26:13; 29:25. If you are attacked by a panther you will overcome a sickness and have great success in business and your personal affairs, especially if you kill the panther. If your surprise a sleeping panther: you have uncovered or discovered a deceitful friend who meant you harm. Hearing a panther: you will overcome grief and be very happy.

Peacock– prideful display of a vain person who strives to be noticed by others; represents spring, birth, and new growth; a good symbol, signaling prestige, much success and contentment with your career; tells of ineffectiveness due to pride or haughtiness; Pr 16:18; struts overconfidence; and even arrogance or self–love. One of the largest flying birds; typically blue and green; boasts colorful “eye” markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues. Possible loss of status due to pride; flamboyance; self–display; overconfidence and vanity. 1 Ki 10:22.

Pig- unclean people; vicious, greedy; dirty; 2 Pe 2:22; Mt 7:6; messy; legalistic Christians; false teachers; detestable things; ignorance; hypocrisy; religious; unbeliever; gluttonous appetites; vicious devourer; vengeful turns on their own.

Rabbit- Satan; evil spirits; lust; pagan celebration of Easter; rapid multiplication; fast growth; trouble; contentions; great changes; unclean; non–aggressive; victim mentality, fear in a person’s life Le 11:6.

Roach- infestation; unclean spirits, hidden sin that runs from the light; roaches represent undesirable traits that need confrontation to change; pun for marijuana cigarette; symbolic of insistence and longevity.    

Scorpion- evil spirit; torment; sin nature; traps and trouble; heavy burdens; deception; satanic; temptation; tread upon; lust of the flesh; witchcraft; process denial; denotes a person who retaliates if crossed or confronted; releases deadly painful, hurtful situations; destructive feelings, suffering from “stinging” remarks, bitter words or negative thoughts being expressed by or designed against you; word play: stinging “tales” that brings accusation and deadly pain; temptation; lust of the flesh; a self–destructive and self–defeating path; accept things you can’t change; symbol of death and rebirth; move out with the old into the new; represents Satanic pain, scourge, a stinging whip, Lk 10:19; 11:12; Re 9:5; De 8:15; 1 Ki 12:11; 2 Ch 10:11. 

Shark- To see a shark in your dream indicates feelings of anger, hostility, and a fierce emotional struggle or threat to a relationship. Sharks have a ravenous appetite so they can represent unscrupulous lust or greed that selfishly devours whatever or whoever they want with no thought of anyone but themselves. A shark is a worldly sexual predator who feeds on anyone he can get his hands on. It is a judgmental spirit of rebellion, oppression that attacks people unexpectedly; they represent a formidable enemy who is jealously working against you. Is 27:1.

Sheep- way you are led into a situation; followers; know Holy Spirits voice; gentle. Jn 10:15, 27. Ge 4:4; the number of sheep indicated a person’s wealth; animal sacrifice; tended by the Shepherd day and night, Lk 2:8; 15:4–6. Lamb: Jesus as our sacrifice, the Passover lamb; true believers; gentleness; saints; the church; Israel; childlike; innocence; dependent; being fleeced in financial matters; young; sweet; mild mannered, Jn 1:29; 21:15. Lamb, slain: represents

Snake- generational lies, curses, someone’s pet sin, white lies, an evil person seeking to destroy you with venomous words and long tales, Satan, evil spirits, demons, deception or snake in the grass, deceit, spirit of seduction, death, false teacher or prophet, divination, fortune telling, witchcraft. Pr 23:32; Ge 3:14a.; Ps 140:3.

Spider- people who harbor thoughts of anger, suspicion or jealousy; thought patterns that catch, entangle and entrap others; spinning a web of deception to create confusion; a desire to snare people; creates confusion; drugs; door to the occult; witchcraft; warning about health issues. The hopes and schemes of wicked men are as fragile as a spider’s web, Jb 8:14; Is 59:5; Pr 39:8. Black Widow: black with red under markings; her words are extremely venomous and destructive; she destroys through a judgmental attitude or devours her mate or relationships through seduction, fear or uncertainty; her exercise of control, seductive feminine power and domination over men causes hostility; feelings of confinement, a spiritual attack of entrapment, or suffocation; warns of devastation or death to whatever she touches or sinks her teeth in to devour. Is 59:4–5. Brown Recluse: warns of being “reclusive”, isolating, or removing oneself from being social and interacting with others; known as “violin spiders” or “fiddle backs”; dark brown or black shiny fiddle–shaped pattern on their head region; not hairy; found primarily in the Midwest; Texas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. The spider commonly lives in basements and garages of houses and often hides behind boards and boxes. Bites often occur when the spiders hide in towels or old clothes left in those areas. There is a need to keep ones house swept and in order; it’s time to clean house.

Swan- A swan is a large, beautiful, graceful, elegant water bird; is a good forecast, mature revelation revealed, joy signaling a future of status and esteem, prosperity, influence and wealth. Swans are symbolic of spiritual grace, beauty, and the anointing of the Lord. Swans mate with one partner for life, and then live in a lifelong monogamous relationship or companionship of dignity. They grow and mature from an ‘ugly duckling’ that becomes a beautiful swan. Someone with a poor self–image can become whole and beautiful confident person when they allow the Holy Spirit to transform them. Le 11:18; De 14:16; an unclean bird that was very rare in Palestine.

Tiger- strong motivation to fulfill basic natural instincts; dominates; danger; rules over others. Motivated to fulfill basic instincts; danger; rules over others through terror and intimidating threats to devour or destroy them; powerful minister of good or evil; torment or persecution from an enemy. To overcome great odds, ‘the eye of the tiger’; a champion who fights for what is right. Pr 29:25.

Turtle- slow and steady wins the race. A turtle’s movement is very cumbersome on land having to carry a large, weighty leathery bony shell on their back into which their head, legs and tail can be retracted. This can represent someone who hides or closes up when confronted or corrected. But in the water turtles are fast and acrobatic, flowing with the wave of the Spirit. Great ability to ascend and descend great depths can breathe the freshness of the Spirit while still submerged in the Word. Ja 1:19.

Whale- dive into the deep things of God; great hunger; protective influence around you; consume large quantities of spiritual food; judgment; deprive others yet never content; commit social suicide by stranding themselves. Ge 1:21; great sea monsters; Jonah was swallowed by a great fish most likely a whale shark which reaches enormous size; Jo 1:17; Mt 12:40.

Wolf- Pharisee; cunning, night predator; prowl around at night, “wolf in sheep’s clothing” Mt 10:16; 7:15; fear; devourer’s who travel in packs; out to get you; false prophet; opportunist seeking gain; wicked teacher destroying God’s people; deviant; financial loss. Ac 20:29. A terrible enemy who seeks to devour the innocent; Is 65:25; Ez 22:27; Je 5:6; Jn 10:12; Hb 1:8; Zp 3:3; Lk 10:3.