Did you know that our DNA and Dreams have a lot in common? They are both blueprints of information about ourselves that are revealed. Our DNA begins to reveal our genetic blueprint of design before we are even born. After we are born others may see immediately how we may look like someone in our bloodline. We may have our father’s nose, our mother’s eyes, or our uncle’s long toes. However, it’s not until we grow older that other parts of our DNA are revealed such as our aunt’s stature, our grandfather’s laugh, or our great grandmother’s love for cooking and we may have never met.

Dreams are also our genetic blueprints being revealed. They are genetic in that God, our Creator, has made us from Himself (Genesis 1:26) and therefore He will reveal deep parts of ourselves as dreams. We must remember that God has plans for us to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11) and those plans were dreamed and created long before we were born on this earth. Here they are just being revealed to us.

Our dreams contain our genetic blueprints that God wants to reveal but they are simply hidden until the right times. They are not hidden in the dark from us but they are revealed by God’s light as revelation.

For example, we go to bed and close our eyes and the first thing we see is darkness, right? But when we dream, it is actually light coming forward to reveal something. Have you ever noticed that? Even when a dream is very dark and we can barely see it still takes some light to see the dream play out or it would just be an empty black canvas. Jesus says in Mark 4:22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.

Just as our DNA blueprints are revealed and illuminated as we grow, now we can also see how our dreams reveal and illuminate our genetic blueprint of God’s unique plans for us even in the dark. And out of the darkness we continue to grow.