Have you ever cloud gazed? When you look up into the sky at the clouds to see what shapes they may make? It’s very relaxing some days and other days it can be very funny. I love days I can watch huge puffy clouds that look like a pillow split open on top and its white stuffing is exploding out. Then there are the hilarious days when you may see the shape of a dog, no… wait…now it’s a monkey. Wait a minute… now the monkey is holding a banana and is NOW being chased by a big bird! That bird looks “hangry” LOL You all know what “hangry” means! You’re so hungry you’re getting angry! God has a GREAT sense of humor and He loves to make us laugh. He loves us being happy!

It reminds me of how God still teaches me more about my dreams. Sometimes I wake up and know I have a pretty good idea of what my dream means. I may even write the dream down or go over it with Him and still think “Hey, I’ve got this one!” Then just like I see those clouds I gaze at one way, God quickly changes its form. He makes me see my dream and meaning in another way. I am constantly learning and growing in my own dream life; I am just like all of you. Although I may not be happy when God does a switcheroo like that on me, I am VERY happy when I understand what He is showing me. I can use it with my future dreams and show others what I have learned to help them achieve the same with their dreams. I choose to be teachable so that I am able to teach. The funny thing is that as I am writing this blog, it brings up a GREAT question. Since God has a GREAT sense of humor and loves to make us laugh…“why don’t we have funny, even hilarious dreams”? I have never thought of that before! How amazing is He that even in the midst of me going to teach you, He is choosing to teach me at the same time?