Dreams are about to take an unusual turn for some of us within the next few weeks. This article is to help make sure those of us who take this turn, will know what to look for and what to do when it comes. The Lord revealed this plan to me using my own dreams this week as an example of what this will look like. He is showing us the strategy of the enemy as well as His own.

What will it look like? Some of us will have normal-looking dreams whether by several scenes in one dream or several separate dreams back to back. But the difference will be in the middle of these scenes or dreams as the enemy will intercept and wedge in his own message (nightmare) and then the normal dreams will continue. For example, you may have a dream that begins with one scene, then it will change into another scene. Then you will have a nightmare scene and then the dream scenes go back to normal as they were. Another example would be that you have a regular dream, the next dream will be a nightmare and then the following will be a regular dream, and so on. This doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for most of us, right? But during this time God wants us to see what is different from His perspective. This isn’t going to be a normal type of dream style.

Why is this happening? God wants to show us another tactic the enemy will be using in our dreams that can cause division to stop us from moving into something much bigger. Our normal dream scenes and multiple dream sequences are all connected like chain links in that there is a common denominator that holds them together. The enemy’s plan is to keep you from finding that common point and following it through. It would be like reading a long sentence but then it gets split in two by a totally difference odd sentence. It would be distracting right? The enemy wants us to see more of a missing link instead of the fully connected one. These dreams are supposed to tell us more of what is going on in or around us or will be and what to do, but if there is a wedge of division (diversion) thrown in there, we might see or focus on the nightmare instead and lose or miss the surrounding message that holds awareness, instructions and helps to move us upward.

What should we do when it comes? Make sure to write down the dreams, in full, as best we can including the dividing scene or dream. Then remove the dividing dream to the side in order to find the common denominator of what the normal dream scenes or portions refer to. (You can go back later and convert the nightmare for confirmation.) What I mean by this is that when you have several scenes or dreams that connect, there is usually a common denominator between all of them that holds them together or helps them flow. It should be about one particular problem, situation, or theme. Now, if we left the dividing dream from the enemy in the sequence, it may keep us from seeing the full message or end result, instruction, or help. These will probably be about BIG issues in our lives, or even around us. This is about our promotion and other upward moves of God around us. Can you see why God would want us to know this is coming and also why the devil wants to divide us from it? By removing the enemy’s dividing dream, we will be able to see the entire message God is wanting us to see, pray over and act upon. We can then continue upward with Him making sure we finish what He has started in us and around us.

Now, let’s Be watchful. Be mindful. Be ready.