It’s time for many of us to shift gears a little. Shifting gears with our dreams. As we continue to transition into the new season, many of us may already be having a dream shift from a flushing of dreams or more dreams that are soulish into more spiritual God-filled dreams. In these dreams, God’s Orignal message will come to us without hindrance from our soul or the enemy. These new dreams are coming because the spiritual atmosphere is changing. The Lord is heading off the plans and strategies of the enemy by using His messages to us in our dreams. This will require belief and trust in each one of us before we act on them. By doing this God’s Glory will be revealed much greater and stronger in this new season than we may have thought or understood.

This dream shift is a normal part of the changing of seasons in our lives however, God’s Glory that we will see is not. It will be extraordinary. This shift will bring us personally closer to God and His will for our lives as we transition but as a whole, remember this…One light will get even brighter as it comes together in agreement with others of its likeness. We all, each light, have a great part to play in the greater revealing of His Glory to come.

This is a time, like no other, when we should pray over and write down our dreams diligently and be open to what God reveals to us in their interpretations. Seek God with each dream message waiting humbly and patiently for His Word, His interpretation, to be revealed to you in even a new way. We also need to stay willing to shift again in the days ahead to stay in the flow of God’s will. This is usually our favorite type of dream but we do not need to get so caught up in them that we become blind to what else He will show us through other types of dreams. They can all help us reach the destination, the new season in our lives, that God wills for us personally and as a whole.