new winds have been blowing lately and not the refreshing ones. It is said that there is nothing new under the sun, so is it really anything new to us?

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done,
    and there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 ESV

More than likely, “no”. We’ve been down this road before but for some of us, there is something coming that will be new. We all know that satan wears many disguises and will use them to turn our sight and perception toward his target as a diversion from the Truth. However, God knows of his deceptions and is countering the devil’s agenda with His own. God does this often by using His gifts, anointings, callings, and power He reveals and gives to us. One of the ways God is planning to reveal those covert tactics is through our dreams. He is releasing His empowerment in our dreams with new giftings being revealed to the ones that feel they are too young, the ones ready, and even to the aged that think they are finished. New anointings are being released that can even be a quick change from the present anointing we are carrying, whether temporary or long-term. Some will have dreams of empowerment that reveal the true calling on their life, whether very young, matured, or even the aged. It’s never too early or too late. In the Father’s eyes, it’s perfect in His timing.

No matter what the Lord reveals to us to empower us to do His will in counteracting the enemy’s plan and act of diversions, it will take one power before all others to bring it into action, and that is our choice. It’s our power of choice that will either start the engines of success of the Father’s Business or relocate it to someone else who will choose to receive and walk it out for His Glory. Either way, know that the Father’s plan will be executed into action and the enemy’s plan of manipulated diversion will lose its power.

Let’s now be watchful in our dreams and pray over ourselves and stand in the gap for others in protection, covering, and for Godly wisdom to see, receive, and put into action the empowerment that God revealed to us. Taking back the power of the enemy over us and putting it back where it belongs, in the Father’s hands. Let’s help the Lord make a diversion conversion!