Every day I grow more and more in my spiritual walk with God even though it can be in some unconventional ways. One of those ways I grow is in my faith every day, just like you do. God has given me a measure of faith and I have chosen to grow it God’s way even though sometimes I want to second guess my choice. It just gets hard or just plain weird. Know what I mean? I know you do. An interesting and unconventional way that all of us grow in faith without even realizing it is through our dreams.

Yeah, I know you may be saying, “Okay now she’s just either losing it or just making stuff up!” Once again I can’t take the credit for this, it is God-given so there’s that… (GOD DID IT!!) LOL

This is a new concept for me these days as God reveals more and more. All of our dreams are faith builders. Romans 10:17 says “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. I have shared many times with you that in our dreams, God sends us His message, His spoken Word, to us. How amazing is that! No matter how many times I say it, write it or express it after all of these years, it gets me so excited that God is speaking to me personally, out loud in every one of my dreams! Yours too! Get that revelation and grab hold of it tight!

It doesn’t matter if our dream is a heavenly, nightmare or a warning dream; if it’s an emotionally angry or crazy unexplainable soul dream. Why not? Let me show you.

Our faith will grow from a Godly dream message straight from Heaven itself. Those amazing God-breathed and beautiful dreams grow our faith because it encourages us beyond our imagination. “God must be happy with me that He would send me this dream” and even “He showed me things of the future so He must trust me a lot!” See what I mean?

A nightmare will build our faith because we choose the Truth from God instead of what the enemy is saying to us in the dream. It shows we know the Truth God says about us, and we choose it because we believe it without having to convert the dream, we just know it already in our hearts. We also grow in faith when we learn to convert the enemy’s dream message back to its Original Message from God that speaks Truth and Love. By this, we also expel fear from our path. It takes our faith to grow in order for us to break out of the fear we feel when we wake up sometimes when it is so intense and heavy. It’s not just the strength God gives us that helps us do that but our faith building more in us from that one dream. It takes faith to use that strength to stand up to the enemy’s plot of fear against us and step out of it.

A warning dream can build our faith when we believe that the outcome can be changed because we trust God. Our faith is in Him to help us do it. He wouldn’t have given us the dream to warn us if He didn’t trust that we could do what needs to be done to correct, stop it or even move out of the way in time. If God can trust us, then doesn’t that build up our faith even more? It does mine. It gives me faith in myself and it should you as well.

An emotional or crazy soul dream can also be a faith builder because most of these are mirrored reflections of nightmares in that they are caused by fear most of the time. It takes our faith building up enough to step out of that fear, anxiety, or control and let God in to help us clean up the mess. It takes faith to choose to believe what God is saying is Truth about our situation and ourselves. It takes faith to convert the soul’s message of misunderstanding in order to see the Truth and Love of how God sees us and what we are going through. Why? Because we have to choose to move ourselves out of the way in order to see His Truth. The images we see of ourselves in our soul dreams are just shadows and not even True reflections of us at all. So, it takes faith to build just enough to move, to step away, in order to truly see with our True sight…His.

These are just some of the ways dreams are our faith builders. Faith building is hard at times and even harder at other times, but it is encouraging to know that God loves us enough to build us these ways in order to help us finish the race well. Another way this is encouraging is knowing we will build our faith while we sleep. Our dreams are great tools in the blueprints of God’s plans. Something so simple can make such a great difference in our lives and around the world. Keep dreaming!