There is a spiritual move happening. There is a move between the fields of God’s fruitful handiwork, His plan in and for us. There are dry and lifeless fields and there are fields that are full and plentiful as if harvest has not come and yet nothing has diminished, dried, or is dying from lack of harvesting. It awaits as a fresh unpicked garden.

The fields change from one which has become dry and lifeless from last year’s draining upon it to one that is full and fruitful. This bountiful field has rich soil that contains all the nutrients that we need in abundance. We are being uprooted and transplanted from the dry and fainting fields to fruitful and prosperous fields.

Because of this moving, we need to be watching for a fullness in our dreams. It can be as a sense of overload in and from them but not from having too many, but instead from a sense of being overwhelmed. This overwhelming will not be from the lack of understanding but more of a spiritual overload (fullness) from them; God’s expression of what He is giving us compared to where we have been.

Why is the handiwork of God dry in one field and the other prosperous and fruitful? We have gone through a long time and seasons of deferred hopes, loss, regret, shame, disappointments, and grief. It has shaken the land of the field and drawn upon its life and drained it. God is cutting off the vein of dryness and lack as its time has ended for those willing to be transplanted for His Glory.

Let our senses be exercised through our dreams. Hebrews 5:14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Discern what God is doing in us during these days as He is restoring us, rejuvenating us, and putting us back into His prosperous fields of hope, joy, and heavenly wealth. Being uprooted can feel like a negative thing, therefore we can easily misinterpret what it looks like if we are not careful and do not discern between what is truly evil and truly good.

Let our dreams be as heavenly windows into God’s heart and see what we can see. It’s time to once again to drink upon His freshwaters and eat of His bountiful grains. Be restored, be healthy, and be His wealth to share in other people’s dry places!

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