Sometimes when we enter and take possession of a new place it will need maintenance. I asked the Lord “why?” if this is where He has led us to be. I already knew the answer but I also felt the need to ask it again as if I need to hear it once more to refresh my memory and maybe even yours. Many times when we enter our new territory, it is only a new place to us, but it has been visited and even inhabited before we get there.

God dreams and holds our future and therefore is just revealing it to us today in this new season but the truth is, the enemy and our own soulish issues can enter there by our own invitation from our past choices. They have been allowed to inhabit there but they do not own it. This doesn’t mean that the new territory is now uninhabitable by God or us. God has passed His ownership directly to us and all previous unholy tenants have not only received their eviction notice but have also been evicted.

The great thing is what God is going to do about those things left behind by the previous tainting tenants. God showed me a blanket of white on the ground of this new territory. At first, I thought it was snow which seemed out of season but it wasn’t actually snow. He told me that HE was covering the grounds of our new territories to purify and sanctify them and they shall be “as white as snow (Psalm 51:7). Yes, there will be maintenance that we will personally have to actively manage, but God said this great thing He will do for us because our territories have to be fully restored before anything can be built upon them.

It is a powerful and beautiful thing to know that before we can even open up our building blueprints or puncture our ground with a new stake God will sanctify and purify our grounds of all that has tainted it. He loves us so much that He only allows us to walk on the hopes and plans He has for our future as Holy ground!