I had a really good reminder this morning of how our entire being should work together. Our body, soul, and spirit. Seeing the beauty in how we are created with these three parts is one thing but to understand how they work together is quite another. It’s a great way to understand and love ourselves more.

As an example, we can understand how our being may work through the ways of an artist. God is the creator of all things and He is Spirit. He communicates with us through the spirit that He gave each of us. So, an artist will receive an idea or inspiration in the spirit. Everything that happens in the physical realm is an echo of what happens in the spiritual realm whether it be Holy or unholy. So an artist’s idea of creativity begins in the spirit.

Our soul is next in line to receive and see the idea or inspiration. The soul is like a reactor that responds or reacts to what is just received. Our soul is made up of our mind, will, and emotions, therefore we choose (will) what we will do with that idea the spirit just received. We can choose (will) to get rid of it, keep it and enhance it (mind), hold on to it for later (mind), let our emotions in and express that we love it, hate it, or get excited about it. If we choose to respond to what we have been given and we love it and will use it, we will then put it to action. That is where our physical body comes into play.

Our body then takes that response of what we chose to do with that idea or inspiration and actively put it in physical form such as painting it on a canvas, making a sculpture, writing it down, baking it, or any of the millions of ways to bring artistic expressions of that idea outward. From here many of us will thank God for His goodness in bringing us the idea or inspiration and giving it back to Him to bless and use it as He wants to which in turn completes a full circle. Spirit back to spirit.

The cycle of a dream is the same, whether it be a beautiful God dream, nightmare, or soul dream. It begins in the spirit realm as God sends us His Original message personally. Our spirit can receive it and then our soul responds to it in an unhindered way bringing us God’s message perfectly and without delay as a beautiful God dream. The enemy (as a spirit) can also grab/rob the message before our spirit does to manipulate it before we can get it, bringing us a nightmare. Our spirit may receive the message and as the soul begins its process, it can manipulate it into a soul dream because we need healing or freedom from something negative that has happened to us.

Our body, in turn, responds to the beauty of God’s message or it will react in a negative way to the soulish dream or nightmare which can leave us feeling out of balance, scared, hurting, or sick. Many of us will then pray to God with thanksgiving for the message or ask for help with the negative effects it may have on us from our soul or the enemy. Once again coming full circle from spirit back to spirit.

Finally, the interpretation of that dream should begin and end with the same cycle. If it begins with Him, it should also end with Him…full circle. “Are you going full circle with what God gives you”?