I am not your average person when it comes to remembering things of my past, such as my childhood. I don’t remember most of it. I only recently found out that there are others just like me. what I do remember are mostly negative things that happened in my life, especially my spiritual life. the earliest childhood memory I have may be when I was around 4 years old before my father died and it was so scary that even at my age today, I can remember everything. Something stood in my doorway in the middle of the night and stayed there until I was full of paralyzing fear. The same goes for dreams that I remember while I was growing up. The ones I remember were taunting and bad.

That fear stayed with me into adulthood until one day I guess God said enough is enough. By 2009 my dreams had started to change into a few more beautiful and powerful dreams instead of the evil, taunting ones I had learned to live with. of course, it seemed that the more of God’s dreams came to me, the harder the nightmares tried to push through to stop them. I had no idea what was happening and I felt like I was being pulled in a battle game of “tug of war”. I had been raised in church my entire life and I loved God very much. No matter what evil I saw and dreamt, I tried to stay focused on God and His promises to me in His Word. The problem was that no one in church ever spoke on these things or taught what they were or how to deal with them. Prayer was the only answer I ever heard. Until…the year 2011.

That year EVERYTHING changed in my spiritual life. It all began on January 24th, 2011. I was working in hospice and after a patient of mine passed away, the Lord revealed Himself to me in a vision with the elderly man that had just passed away. I didn’t know what was really happening and thought it was just a nice thought I was having to know that he was with the Lord and brushed it off. Now understand, I had no idea what a vision was and had never been taught what they looked like or how they came. Just that people in the Bible had them. The visions kept coming in front of my face like a soft movie screen and I just kept brushing it off. Finally, it was as if the Lord was saying “Hello, look at Me” and I had to stop and see that this was truly happening and I stopped to see what He was showing me. Once I accepted that this was truly the Lord in front of me and it was real, the vision faded away gently and didn’t return. I was left in awe and I had no idea what to do with it. That was only the beginning…

Between that day in January and through May of that same year, God gave me 3 more visions to shake my spirit completely up it seemed. One was like the first but came with a confirmation of what I was seeing and the last 2 were of what was to come and were just as beautiful as the first one. In the last two, I didn’t see the Lord, but I saw His plan. By May of that year, as you might guess, I was completely undone. I had no one to tell, talk to about it (who wouldn’t think I was crazy) and I especially didn’t know what to do with any of it. I found myself more lost than I ever had been before. I prayed harder, and I started to gently step out and look for books or references to help me with God’s leading only. I was too scared I would get wrapped up in a cultish idea or something, LOL. He still guided me ever so gently. I began to see a light at the end of the tunnel but I had no idea what He had planned next.

In December of that same year of 2011, my Step-Father who raised me passed away the day after his birthday. It was just a year that kept growing. On December 28th I finally was at a place where I felt that I needed to see more if I was to truly ever understand what was happening to me. That day, after reading one of those reference books on dreams and vision God had guided me to, I prayed and asked Him to speak to me more in my dreams. People, you have heard the saying “be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”, well He answered and that night I began to “get it” with dreams like a tsunami wave over and over again. I had a flooding in of dreams that lasted for a couple of years. I had journal after journal of dreams and guess what? They were mostly good and normal and not near as many bad and evil ones like I had grown up having. This “flushing of the pipes” as I call it, took me to God’s next step in my spiritual growth in 2012 as I learned how to interpret them from a great teacher. That journey in itself has been just as hard as the rest.

Although I wanted to many times I didn’t give up and that is how I ended up here today teaching others like you how to understand your own dream life and those of your children and grandchildren. If I can help just one of you learn what to do with your own dreams in everyday life without being taunted like I was so that you can help someone else do the same, then I have done what God said to do, “if you can only teach one, then teach that one.” There is always one hungry enough.

Today may be a good day to start asking yourself, how did your story begin?