As we continue on from part 1, I must remind you that we are still discussing dreams at this point and will add visions afterward. If you have not read the 1st part of this blog, you must go back and read it, if you want to understand what is happening from here. If not, it will not make sense to you and you might miss the blessing for yourself or someone else.

When you work through the parts of the dream and have either found out the dream IS or IS NOT about you as the main character or that the dream message IS or IS NOT for you, it’s a knowledge that helps you know who and what to pray for or act upon as the Lord instructs. Knowing how to pray in the right direction is a big help and time saver when you need to move forward! From here there are several ways to know if the dream is prophetic. My favorite way to know is through the Holy Spirit. It may just “click” or be affirmed within your spirit if the dream is prophetically telling you of future events. But this is not guessing, it is a knowing.

Other ways they can reveal their prophetic revelation are with past, present, and future dreams. These dreams will usually have 3 parts to them with the first scene or dream being the past, the second being your present, and the third being the future. They can be very encouraging or a glimpse into what the Lord does not want for you if you stay on the same track. Prophetic dreams can also be warning dreams telling you what to pray for and act on for yourself or another (person or thing) that may hinder the Lord’s will if you do not. You can also know if your dream is a prophetic dream by the context of the dream.

In a dream context, there are symbols that stand out that will help us know if God is trying to show us our or another’s future. Let’s look at a few of these: Doors [open(ing) or closed (ing)], the horizon, clocks or time, an overlook, new building structures, glasses (spectacles), and a pier which is a wordplay for “peer” (to see). A couple of other symbols I would like to discuss in detail are front porches, front doors, or seeing or being in your front yard or seeing from a front window, porch, or door. These all can represent the future as well. Here is another pro tip: The further away you see the person or object from where you are on your porch, front yard, front door, or window the further the future is from you. These things can or will happen in the distant future. If they are very close to you, it can or will happen very quickly. If the person or object is coming towards you quickly from these distances, it means that it will come quicker than you expect and to be ready. If moving away from you, it means it will take longer to catch up to it or it is leaving and not coming near you.

Another dream symbol to look at is another country or continent. That is if in your dream the country or continent was distinctly said or known in your dream, not just guessing. When you dream of these, it can mean you are actually going to that place OR that you are in a place that is unfamiliar (new or transition place) to you at that time in your life, especially if you have never been there before. So we have to be careful when we dream of other countries and work on not assuming they mean that physical place. How do you know which it is? A good rule of thumb is if it is a physical place you or the person you are dreaming about will actually be going to, then you will either dream of a vehicle that has taken you there (boat, plane, car, bus, etc.) in that same dream OR a dream you recently had. If you dream of another country across the sea but dream about a car, bus, motorcycle, etc. taking you somewhere then common sense would say that those vehicles are not enough to get you across the water. Therefore, it will probably mean more that it’s about you being in an unfamiliar place in your life.

So what about visions? Did you think I had forgotten about them? No way! lol Visions are important. If you will remember me teaching you that visions come because they tell us of the message’s importance. Are visions more important than dreams? Absolutely not, but what they will do for us is grab our attention when God wants to highlight something important. God will even send us a vision instead of a dream. They will stand out more to us than our normal dreams will. So how do we know if our visions are telling us a prophetic future? For the most part, the same way we find that out in dreams. Visions are also metaphoric and not usually in the literal form but that can and has happened at times for some people. The distinct part about visions is that God wants you to pay attention to them like an exclamation point. So act quickly on these by paying close attention to them to pray over and get with the Lord to understand truly what He is trying to show you to do if more than praying alone.

I hope these tips have helped you in your spiritual growth with the Lord God during these times of conflict and danger. I pray that each of you, including myself, who have your eyes wide open to see the Lord’s will can use these tips and helps to mature daily as you learn to work with the pieces He lays before you and lesson your will to recreate these pieces into what we think is necessary; to know instead of guess in our spirit and move only at His instructions and orders. Remember that each of us sees in part and knows in part and our part is truly needed!