Several years ago I heard something that changed me forever in the way I see things of this world.

“Everything that happens in the natural realm is an echo of what’s happening in the spiritual realm.”

Understand that the spirit realm doesn’t just mean only God, Heaven, and angels, but it also speaks of darkness, evil, and satan. You don’t have one without the other in that realm just as you have here in the natural realm.

At first, I didn’t quite understand it but over the years I have seen and understood it in a greater way. There was a time when I watched and listened to a lot of news like most everyone else and it depressed and angered me. It seemed like there was nothing else good in the world and it began to change how I saw and felt about almost everything. Then one day God told me not to watch the news anymore that He would get the news to me that I needed to hear another way. I went on this journey with Him and I noticed that the world wasn’t only darkness as I had begun to see. God had opened both of my eyes.

There are so many evil, unfair, dark, and ugly things in the world, yes and it is everywhere to see. Do you know what else is everywhere as well? Good, beauty, truth, and most of all love. It is just as EVERYWHERE as the darkness. I believe that I was looking through only one eye seeing things dark and hopeless because I didn’t have both of my eyes open. When I chose to open both of my eyes I began to see that even though I saw darkness, wars brewing, violence, injustice, and hate around me, I now also saw more things that were beautiful and good. Warm sunshine on my face, people hugging, mothers holding newborn babies, joyous laughter, neighbors helping neighbors, smiles, people celebrating, cheering for favorite teams, snowcapped mountains, loving families, clear streams flowing, birds chirping, people being restored and healed and so many MORE things that are good, beautiful and true were the things I saw. I saw LOVE!

It’s easy to get caught up in the echoes of the spirit realm that fill our atmosphere with talk, hype, and news of deep darkness but it’s what you focus on that changes your heart and what you become. My mind and focus is now renewed and forever changed because I keep both of my eyes open.

For as he thinks in his heart, so he is. Proverbs 23:7

…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8

What will you be able to see when you keep both of your eyes open? What will you focus on?

One Comment

  1. I am so amazed at your God giving talents and ability to paint pictures with your words. And to speak so much truth and life back into those that read and hear them. I love getting your blogs in my email each week. Keep up the great work!

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