As was written about last week, this new year of 2022 has a focus on light, revelation, and mysteries being revealed from God. If you missed that blog, you should read it here before moving on. Many of us have already begun sensing the light of new revelations from God in our dreams and in many other ways that God may speak to us. God gives us these revelations in pieces and we have been adding those pieces to previously given ones to view a bigger picture of what He has been trying to show us individually and as the Church body.

At some point in this growing process whether in the past or even today, we may not understand the revelations we are given or we may feel like something is missing. Many times we can’t move into new revelations because we have missed previous ones needed to get us to the next steps. Those missed can become a stumbling block in getting us into the next phase of our lives. We need the new revelations to keep moving but it’s hard to read a sequel book without reading about what happens in the first book. We could have uninterpreted dreams and visions. We could feel blocked from a flow that started off steady and then just stopped. We may sense that an answer is just beyond our reach of understanding and yet we can almost touch it.

Then one day something happens and it all falls back into place out of nowhere. Just one interpretation opens the door or one teaching tears down a wall. One different prayer may unclog a flow or a veil is lifted from our eyes to see what wasn’t there yesterday. This is what can be called our Day of Revelation. It means that God is Gracious and Loving in that although it could be years, months, weeks, or days of feeling stuck without any helpful answer, He has made sure that we haven’t lost anything in the waiting. The moment the answers come is the perfect time in our lives to be revealed even though we thought it was the perfect time back then. God will restore the time, efforts, and misalignments in us and around us for His Glory, will, and love for us.

I share this now because many of us are still in these stuck places in small areas and even large areas of our lives. This new year of 2022 (light, revelation & mysteries revealed) is to be a year of New Revelations, but if we are stuck in old areas then some of these new revelations will be hindered or deterred from becoming understood and productive in our lives. We could be seeing without a fullness of sight and hearing without truly being able to listen. God sees this and wants to help us to have an understanding of these issues and to give us instructions on how to alleviate the hindrances.

Mark 4:22 For nothing is concealed except to be revealed, and nothing hidden except to come to light.

Job 12:22 He reveals mysteries from the darkness and brings the deepest darkness into the light.

Now is the time to open your eyes to see the enemy’s schemes to stop a great move forward. It is time to take notice of what is flowing well and what isn’t. If everyone around you is receiving revelations and you aren’t or if you receive one and are stuck in the understanding of it and can’t move forward, this is the time to remove the hindrance. We can’t take on more water if the stream has been blocked. Believing is where it begins. Believe in the Lord and His Word that He will restore and reveal those missed revelations. He will break the block and shackle, wipe off the scales that veil and unclog the passageways. Without believing there is no faith to move even a grain of sand. Declare with your mouth from your heart (full of belief) those things that are Truth instead of what you have been seeing standing in your way. It isn’t normal, only temporary. Be thankful with praise to the Lord because you believe He has already done it. Do not shift backward, Stand strong in the YES and not in the MAYBE.

This time there is no battle for US to fight, but instead, sing to Him songs of praise and thankfulness for bringing us into Victory. He has gone before us so this is one battle that has already been fought and won for us that truly believe. This is a gift from our Father that will uncover blueprints in our lives that we have forgotten or have never seen. Not one rewritten but through Light unveiled and given to us in its most perfect of times. Let’s move forward…