Do you remember the old poem we were taught to say when we were very young “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”? Well, we all felt that turned out to be the biggest lie ever told growing up although it was meant to help teach us not to let the words/names affect us as much as it could. It was to help us act more mature than the others actually calling the names. Those words spoken against us and the names we were called still hurt a lot sometimes. Even in our dreams, we had and still have to deal with those hurtful names and words against us and they sting even after we wake up. As we grew older and began to be taught scriptures from the Bible, another valuable lesson like this earlier poem was taught to us so that we would know and remember it was Truth. “No weapon formed against me shall prosper…” Isaiah 54:17 But let’s read the full verse.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord. -Isaiah 54:17

We can see how this may help us in our everyday life but how does this help us in our dreams? We may have dreams where a gun is being pointed at us or someone is shooting bullets at us. We can have dreams where we are the ones with the gun and shooting at others. So, let’s look at these loaded guns. Guns in dreams are mostly symbolic as the “weapon formed against you” and they aim and shoot bullets (words spoken, spiritually and/or physically) which are the “tongue which rises against you in judgment” in Isaiah 54:17.

What does God’s Word say about these?

They will not prosper (push forward, send, break out, mightily come, be good, go over) and we shall condemn it (declare wrong, wicked, and depart it), even in our dreams. With our own tongues, we can condemn it and cut off its head of lies.

If we are the ones in the dream holding the loaded gun or shooting the bullets, we must look at the context of the dream here as well and look at where the dream came from (the source of the dream). We could be condemning the wrong actions and plans of the enemy even in our dream with our own spiritual tongue, therefore cutting off its head while we sleep. We may also need to speak out physically declaring to do the same as well when we awaken. There are times when we are in the wrong by acting on our own soulish desires of fear, anger, and defensiveness and pull the trigger against others in our dreams. If we are having these dreams, God is wanting us to see our wrongs and where we need to let go and forgive others as well as ourselves; to change us and the outcome for our good.

We may have dreams where there seems to be a war going on around us with guns blazing from every side. You may be the observer in these dreams instead of taking a part in them. God wants you to know that He has your side, back and He even stands in front of you. The angels defend and protect you from the weapons planned and formed against you because you are the servant of the Lord and your righteousness is from Him (Isaiah 54:17). Press on, keep moving forward knowing that you can defeat every gun, bullet, and strategy against the will of the Father through you! You my dear friend are the TRUE LOADED GUN! Just learn how to use it wisely!