It has been a great year for The Dream Room. 2021 has definitely been a trial and error year for me to say the least. I had to learn how to follow a path that not many follow and learn how to steer my way through it without getting off of that path as much as possible. You all who support, love, and pray for me here have helped me do just that. I give God THANKS for you! God has given me many new revelations that I would have never expected and I know next year will bring more of the same to me and also to all of you!

As we shift from a new month and a New Year in a few weeks, we see a new beginning, and a fresh start, but I have been sharing with you in earlier blogs that it has already begun! We will end this Hebraic month which is the “month of dreams” and head into a new month that speaks of the “eye” and “seeing with our good eye” in just a few days. Let’s remember to keep our eyes open to what good things God has for us even now. God is saying to keep seeing and expand our vision! We are not limited to just seeing in our dreams just as we are not limited to seeing light just on our Christmas decorations.

Let’s not wait to begin seeing those things after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holidays settle. If we lose the focus of what is True and most important now, then we may miss some of the most beautiful works of God right before our very eyes. He will be showing us even more good things but as usual, it is our choice to see that good, in things around us. Just because today there seems to be more darkness does not mean there is any less Light. Love it, seek it, find it, hold it, and always share it.

God is expanding and revealing His mysteries of awe and grandeur to enlighten the eyes of our hearts straight from the Eyes of His Heart.

If we do miss some things we can be encouraged with this: It’s as if God is giving us a second chance by beginning with the Hebraic month changing now and in a few weeks getting a second opportunity as the Gregorian calendar month and year starts over again. That doesn’t mean for us to wait on purpose because that is when we will have more time for God, but instead, wait with purpose to see His amazing wonders now and be enlightened even in the darkest nights of the year! What an AWESOME God we serve!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to You All & May Your EYES Be MERRY & BRIGHT!