1– One Aleph: One Eternal, Divine Sovereignty, Omnipotent God; the source of all; Unity, Jn 8: 41, 50; 10: 16; 17: 22– 23; 18: 13; Ph 2: 1– 2; Ps 71: 22; 133: 1; De 6: 4; Is 60: 9; beginning; link between heaven and earth; absolute singleness; independence; self-ambition or passion.

2– Two Beit: Established testimony, confirmed witness and support Lk 9: 1-2; double portion, Is 61: 7; blessing of unity; agreement, Mt 18: 19; judgment; ruin; death; multiplication; Old and New Testament; Ten Commandments written on two stones; revelation; harmony; incarnation; the living Word; separation, division; Ex 8: 23; 31: 18; Ge 1: 7-8; Mt 24: 40-41; end of a romance; contrast; split; war. Ge 18, 19; Mt 7, 18: 6; Jn 18: 17; De 17: 6, 19: 15; Re 11: 2-4.

3–Three Gimel: Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; perfect witness and testimony; union approval completeness; fullness kindness entirety divine perfection; life, resurrection, Lk 24: 6– 7; spirit; the calling of God; the Godhead’s mighty acts; Noah’s sons; wise men; Jesus’ ministry time on earth; Jonah in the belly of the whale; cross, resurrection; Peter’s denial; Archangels; dimensions of earth time past, present and future; a trilogy, father, mother, and child or body, mind, and soul, etc. life, vitality, inner strength, completion, imagination, creativity, energy, self-exploration and experience; ‘the third time is the charm.’ 1 Th 5: 23; Ge 1: 1; Mt 28: 19-20, 12: 40, 27: 63; Mk. 8: 31; Lk 11: 5, 13: 21; 1 Jn 5: 7-8; Re 16: 13, 11: 9.

4– Four Dalet: The gospel; four corners of the earth; global implications; the whole world; Da 7: 6, 17; creation; God’s creative works; the sun, moon, and stars Mk the number of seasons, Ge 1: 19– 20; Ge 2: 10; tides, winds, and directions north, south, east and west; space; completion; horsemen of tribulation; weakness. Is 11: 12; Je 49: 36; Mt 15: 38; 16: 10; Mk 2: 3; 13: 27; Jn 11: 17, 39; Re 7: 1; 20: 8.

5– Five Hay: life of grace, Lk 7: 41– 42; anointing joining heaven and earth, favor, freedom, action, redemption, bold, spontaneous, daring confident nature, humanity, atonement, the hand, five-fold ministry offices, Ep 4: 11; five natural and spiritual senses a need to develop more spiritual sensitivity; take a higher path to alter your destiny; complete, divine names of God; new song; wounds of Jesus on cross; miracle of multiplication barley loaves fed 5000 Jn 6: 9– 10; bread of life; folly; Tabernacle of Moses, marital happiness. God’s grace towards man. 1 Sa 17: 40; Mt 14: 17-21, 25: 2, 15-20; Lk 19: 18-19.

6– Six Vav: weakness of man; toil or labor, Ex 20: 9; wrestling with the carnal and spiritual natures; incompleteness; serpent; physical world humanity; hour of darkness, Mt 27: 45; pots of water turned to wine;   support, assistance, balance, serenity, excellence, warmth, coming together, marriage, family, and love domestic happiness; physical, emotional, and spiritual states are in harmony, a good work ethic. Ge 1: 26-31, 4: 17-18; 2 Pe 3: 8; 1 Sa 17: 4-7; 2 Sa 21: 20; Nu 35: 15.

7– Seven Zayin: completeness; good; efficient active life; wholeness; fullness; Sabbath rest, Ex 20: 10; spiritual perfection and development; purification; consecration; weapon; self-defense; days of creation; forgive 70 x 7; Passover and Tabernacle feasts; Beatitudes; weeks between Passover and Pentecost; priest and trumpets at Jericho for seven days, Js 6: 4; rest from work or labor; Eliphaz sacrificed bulls and rams; letters to churches; seals and trumpets. He 11: 30; Re 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 5, 5: 1-6, 8: 2, 10: 3-4, 12: 3; Ex 23: 11-12, 31: 15-17; Jd 14; Pr 6: 15-17; Mt 12: 45,15: 34-37; Ac 6: 3; Seven is the number of vulnerability; the seven son of Sceva, Ac 19: 14– 16; the number of returning evil, Lk 11: 26.

8– Eight Chet: Teacher, man’s ability to transcend limits of physical existence; resurrection; new birth or beginning, 1 Pe 3: 20; abounds in strength; covenant of circumcision, Ge 21: 4; consecration to God, Ex 22: 30; to make fat Ps 119;   for power, authority, success, destiny, province, increased substance, revival, and wealth, trust your instincts and intuition; a pun on “ate” need to digest new information or new insights. Jn 20: 26; Lk 9: 28-35; Ac 9: 33; Ge 7: 12; 2 Pe 2: 5.

9– Nine Tet: Evangelist; Holy Spirit’s perfect movement; end; conclusion; fullness of blessings; renewal; judgment; serpent; tribulation; fruit of the Spirit and womb, Ga 5: 22– 23; gifts of the Spirit, 1 Co 12: 8– 10; completeness; finality.

10– Ten Yad: Pastor; law and order, Ex 20; government; restoration; nature; trial; testings and responsibility, Mt 25: 1– 13, 28; 10 plagues; 10 commandments; wilderness; journey; testimony; ordinal perfection; divine order; completeness; tithe, Ma 3: 8– 10; fullness of time.

11– Eleven: Prophet; revelation; transition; Joseph lived in Potiphar’s house; judgement; disorder; incompleteness, (one beyond ten, one less than twelve) Ac 1: 26, 2: 14; confusion; lawlessness or litigation. Mt 20: 6,9, 28: 16; Mk 16: 14; Ge 27: 9, 32: 22; Ex 26: 7; De 1: 1-8.

12– Twelve: Apostle; the number of apostles; elect purposes of God; tribes; judges; leadership; discipleship; apostolic fullness and government; divine government, order or rule, Lk 2: 42, 6: 12– 13; creativity; illumination, Jn 11: 9; spirit world; plenty; baskets of bread; sons of Jacob; Jesus’ first recorded words; possession of the bEs Mt 10: 1-5, 14: 12, 19: 28; Ex 15: 27, 28: 21; Js 4: 20-24, 18: 24; Ja 1: 1; Re 7: 5-8, 21: 12-21, 22: 2; Le 24: 5-6.

13– Thirteen: love, 1 Co 13: 13; (12 + 1 = 13) double portion; rebellion, Nimrod was the thirteenth from Adam; Ge 14: 4, 10: 10, 17: 25; depravity; backsliding; revolution or war, Es 9: 1; corruption; contempt, disruption of unity; attempt to ruin perfection; apostasy; 13 famines; curse; Ze 5: 2– 3. Thirteen is made up of 1, unity and 3, trinity, we are being made into God’s image. Hashem the Gematria is 13 and eschad both represent love. Jesus was the center that the twelve disciples revolved around; He did not take first position, but the last, which was thirteen, making Jesus the first servant leader. Je 1: 2, 25: 3; 1 Ki 7: 1; 2 Ki 15: 13-14, 15: 17; Ez 1: 1; Ge 48, Ephraim, 13th Tribe; Judas or Paul, 13th apostle.

14– Fourteen: Passover (2 x 7 = 14); deliverance; salvation; double anointing or measure of spiritual perfection; “the fear of the Lord” in Proverbs; time of testing (10 + 4 = 14); feasting and rejoicing Es 9: 17; Ex 12: 6; Nu 9: 5; Ge 31: 41; Ac 27: 27-33; Mt 1: 17.

15– Fifteen: energy of the divine Godhead’s grace; deity; rest; mercy; resurrection in glory; freedom or delivered from death; bride of Christ; reprieve; pardon; restoration, add, deliver, defend, Is 38: 5; 2 Ki 20: 6; Is 38: 5; Ga 1: 18; Lk 3: 1-6. (3 X 5 = 15)

16– Sixteen: love characteristics in 1 Co 13; established beginnings; build a firm foundation of righteousness, Ex 36: 30. Innocence, naivety, vulnerability, and tenderness “sweet sixteen,” never kissed; may represents a coming of age; some spiritual cleansing and removing the old for the birthing of the new.

17–Seventeen: victory; perfection of spiritual order ( 10 + 7 = 17); election; angelic appearances in the Gospels and Acts; elect of God; “Walk with God” the 7th and 10th man from Adam; fountains of great deep and floodgates of the sky open, Ge 7:11; ending one cycle to begin a new cycle, Ge 8:4; seventh and tenth man from Adam; Joseph sold, shamed and dishonored; promotion, maturation, closure, incomplete; undeveloped. Ge 5:24, 6:9; Enoch and Noah; Ge 37: 2; 1 Ch 25:5; Je 32:9.

18–Eighteen: overcome bondage Lk 13:11, 16; oppression, fatigue, crushing affliction, Jg 10:8; impartations; established blessings and established judgment (9 +9 =18); (6 + 6 + 6 = 18).

19–Nineteen: faith; perfection of divine order with judgment; gematria of Eve and Job; repentance; selflessness will lead to unhappiness; ashamed; barren; lack; burning destruction, 2 Ki 25:8; missing or dead, 2 Sa 2:30.

20–Twenty Kaf: redemption; crowning achievement; divine order and completion for spiritual perfection; holiness; waiting with expectancy; number of recorded dreams; Jacob waited 20 years for possession; Israel waited 20 years for deliverance; age of warriors, Nu 1:3.

21–Twenty-one: exceedingly sinful; Jeroboam, son of Nebat “made Israel to sin”; evil prince’s spiritual resistance, Da 10:13; your plans will succeed.

22–Twenty-two: light; revelation knowledge to unlock mysteries; disorganization; disintegration; corruption; King Jeroboam and King Ahab reigned 22 years.

23–Twenty-three: prosperity; abundance; plenty; wealth, the Lord’s provision, Ps 23; lack of spiritual hunger, deafness, Je 25:2–3; death and revenge.

24–Twenty-four: number of priestly courses and governmental perfection (2 x 12 = 24); full authority; order and complete rule; maturity; 24 elders around heaven’s throne worshipping, Re 4: 4-10, 11:16; Js 4:2-9, 20; 1 Ki 19:19; 1 Ch 24:3-5.

25–Twenty-five: forgiveness of sin; beginning of ministry training; essence of grace, visionary transportation, Ez 40:1–2.

Dr. Barbie Breathitt. A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary. Breath of the Spirit Enterprises, Inc.