In the last few weeks, I have mentioned in a blog or two that sometimes we can have clogged spiritual pipes. God can use dreams to clean them out and that can be when we feel we are having too many dreams. My first memory of these dreams was at the beginning of my dream awakening and journey in 2011 and my dreams flooded and flushed for almost 2 years. Crazy, right?! Usually, these are a good flushing out of our soulish issues that build up over time or through situations. They are a normal part of our dream journey. I am writing about this again because this is what is happening to me at the present. Even after all of these years, I can still have them at times and so can all of you. I want to share my experience so that those of us that experience it will understand more of how this can work to help us in our personal journeys.

My dreams currently are a flood it seems. Almost every night I will wake up at around 2:45am from a series of dreams. It feels as if I am waking up at that time of morning so that I can catch my breath as if I have been underwater holding my breath. I don’t always remember what I dreamed but I do know that there were many and I remember what they look like. This series of dreams currently are not dark soulish dreams, but lighter ones as if I was dreaming in the light of normal daytime and the colors are normal in their hue. This would reflect that the soulish issues I am dealing with currently are superficial and not severe. Almost like dusting off your furniture or taking a shower. If these dreams were dark they would be reflecting deeper soulish issues that need to be dealt with. Almost like cleaning your garbage disposal.

Why do I need these current flushing dreams? I just went through a time of spiritual promotion.

Here is a good way to see how this may look. If we were given a new territory of land where no one has been, we would arrive and stir up the dirt and dust of the land. Treading new ground may require some maintenance. Also, a lot of times there is a need to get rid of some of the things we used in the old place we just came from, because here in the new place, it isn’t needed anymore.

God is removing those old things by flushing them out through our dreams and aligning new things in us for this new place and this new season.

As you can see, flushing out our pipes isn’t a negative thing at all and can be very refreshing and afterward. Although it can make us feel a little tired from what seems like a struggle while we sleep and dream, it is actually freeing and releasing us into more of who we are truly meant to be and that is not just a pipe dream. (pun intended)

I hope this experience helps some of you realize the good that is happening instead of what only seems (looks and feels) to be negative.