All Definitions Copied from A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary by Dr. Barbie Breathitt-Breath of the Spirit Enterprises, LLC

Arranged by: Michielle Ray & Amanda Baggett

AIRPORT- preparation to succeed in natural situations or the Spirit; moving higher in the Spirit or preparing to fly in the Spirit; exercising power of demonic forces; new departures; travel; changes; or moving to new opportunities; launching to destiny; self–doubt or fear will cause delays and missed timing; provision; power to conquer opposition from a new vantage; represent a birth, new beginnings, a new venture is launching, a new career, adventure or relationship is in the air, an idea is taking off, delivery or arrivals.

ATTIC- stored memories and artifacts; frame of mind either positive or negative; higher learning or thoughts; pursuing intellect; renewed mind. Attic, if cluttered and dusty: confusion and mental strongholds. 2 Ch 33:17.

BANK- accumulating banknotes or mortgages: increased fortune and honor. Spiritual, financial, emotional and mental resources; social power or confidence; accumulated favor; ability to make deposits and withdrawals; safeguarded; secure; protected. Bank withdrawals: a risk of bankruptcy if funds are depleted; lack of favor; you have been drawing on the favors of others too much without giving back in return. Drawing interest; bankrupt; “breaking the bank”.

BANQUET- the love of Jesus, So 2:4; great preparations and planning will bring success and happiness; Es 2:18 to celebrate one’s loyal friends and associates; invitation to a wedding is coming; Mt 22:1 the Kingdom of Heaven is like a banquet; Lk 14:13 to be blessed; invited the poor, crippled, lame, and blind. Overflow of blessings; abundant wealth; affluence; elegance; place of honor; feasting on the Word. Prepared in the presence of enemies Ps 23:5.

BARN- storehouse, Lk 12:18; church; corporation; accumulated wealth, blessings Ma 3:10, and provision for the future; the kingdom; large gathering or workplace; bring in the harvest to train and equip them; if empty pray for increased souls and for harvesters. Caves in the rocks concealed entrance to prevent robbery; stored grain; families lived above them; Hg 2:19; Lk 12:24; Mt 13:30; Jb 39: 12; Pr 3:10.

BASEMENT- foundational issues; storage place; depression; to be abased, Ph 4:12; humility, Mt 23:12; Er 9:5; hidden secrets; carnal nature; shame; guilt; repression of traumatic life events.

BATHROOM- a place of cleansing; refreshing, purification or beautification; washing away sins or defilement; repentance; shaving unwanted things from your appearance; scrubbing; looking at your true self in the mirror; allow God to purify every area of your life; removing unforgiveness and bitterness. Ge 18:4; He 4:9.

BEDROOM- intimacy, rest; privacy; relaxation; slumbering; bed chambers for reproduction. 2 Ki 6:12; 11:2; Ps 63:6.

CEILING- limitation indicating how high one can go, a cap or roof, a covering; restrictions; boundaries of ideas or awareness; covering; “sky’s the limit”; place to springboard or from which to build.

CEMETARY- unresolved grief or sadness; digging up past memories or sorrows; end of negative behaviors or bad habits; death, death of a dream or desire or rebirth; dying to self; burying the “old man”, thoughts or habits; ending of a relationship or life chapter. Jb 21:33.

CHILDHOOD HOME- past events need resolution or healing; influencing your present for good or evil.

CHURCH BUILDING- can indicate you are acting in a religious structured or legalistic manner instead of moving through life full of love acting as the living temple of God. Jesus said he would build His church on revelation. Mt 16:18.

CLASSROOM- training center for learning, equipping, or instruction; small group ministry or church; call for schooling; teaching gift; study; relationship with authority. Classrooms: An outdoor classroom suggests a need for fewer restrictions and an ability to adapt to new circumstances presented in life so you can express yourself more openly with greater freedom. If you are lost or looking for your class and cannot find it there is a need to gain more knowledge and develop a new learning curve. To find yourself seated in a classroom suggests personal growth. You are already in the process of learning vital life-altering lessons.

COUNTRYSIDE- quiet; tranquil; relaxed state; peaceful place for mediation to hear God’s voice; natural feelings. A rural area is a geographic area that is located outside cities and towns, forest a low population density and small settlements with forest and agricultural areas. 84 percent of the United State’ inhabitants live in suburban and urban areas but cities occupy only 10 percent of the country. Consider the farming component as an invitation to enter a time of harvest or gleaning from your hard labors. We reap what we sow. Also, it may be an invitation to slow down and smell the roses, take life a little easier.

COURTROOM- justice; authority; time of trials; testing; law and order; critical; judgmental; sentencing; persecution.

CROSSROAD- is the junction’s one encounter that may challenge us on the road to the destiny God desires for us, a place of life-changing decisions. Decisions need to be made; discerning proper direction; anxiety over needed changes and the unknown.

DEN- place of fellowship with friends and family; relaxing; comfort; a place of retreat or a dark place to recuperate.

DESERT- deserted; lonely; no direction; aimlessly wandering; barrenness; no creativity or growth; lack; dry place spiritually. De 32:10; Mt 4:11.

DINING ROOM- place of communion; fellowship; with friends and family; feeding on God’s prepared Word.

DOOR-closed: If the door is closed or locked shut then it is time to knock on another door; that opportunity is sealed or being denied for a time. Do not waste your time in regret, that project is complete, someone is blocking your progress, move on or you will miss the new opportunity that is awaiting your discovery. Door, entering: signifies new opportunities, a new stage in life, and promotions that are waiting before you.

ELEVATOR- Elevators travel up and down in a straight line so they represent the ups and downs of life, relationships, and your career. Your emotions may be out of control or manic rising and falling depending on the input or information you are receiving. Stay focused on God’s wisdom. He will lead and guide you into all truth. Get off the emotional rollercoaster and gain control of your runaway emotions. Elevator, ascending: rising higher; promotion; increase in favor, anointing, and visibility if going up. To dream that you are ascending in an elevator represents a promotion, increase, or rise to status and wealth. A higher level of consciousness will enable you to grasp new world concepts from an elevated perspective. If the elevator is ascending at break-neck speed and crashes through the roof it indicates you do not feel qualified to handle the new demand a promotion is placing on your skill set. You are running on fear and adrenaline. Elevator, descending: demotion; decrease in favor, anointing, and visibility if going down. If the elevator is descending then there could be a demotion, misfortune, or setback, in the near future. You are being humbled or brought back down to a realistic perspective on life. It is time to get grounded and look at the facts of life.

FACTORY-proper processes; organization; systematic; industrious; duplication.

FENCE- security; protection; closed in; limitations; traditions; separation; boundaries; personal beliefs; restraints. Need for or violation of boundaries; social barriers; territorial feelings; wanting privacy. Is 5:2; Mk 12:1; Ec 10:8.

FUNERAL- someone else’s: moving toward independence; repressing or letting go of past hurts; easing away from a relationship; wishing they were dead or gone; trying to escape their control or influence. Funeral, your own: watching your own funeral: desire for sympathy from friends and family; self–pity; retreat from worldly pressures; dead to feelings and emotions; leaving an old way of life. Feeling buried or forgotten; death to self; dying to one’s feelings or desires; starting a new chapter in life; moving toward independence; repressing or letting go of past hurts; easing away from a relationship; depression or suicidal feelings, wishing you were dead, gone or removed from a negative situation. Ec 2:20.

GARAGE- storage of personal tools, gifts or energy; ability to meet life’s situations; protection; repair for ministries or commercial establishments; collection of unneeded things you refuse to let go of; outreach ministry; time of equipping and preparation.

GAS STATION- place to fill up with the power gifts and anointing; Holy Spirit power; infilling; oil change needed.

GATE- entrance; threshold; passage from one chapter of life to another; increased levels of maturity, power and authority; entering destiny; something new and different; holds within; hindrance; Hell. Gateway to Heaven; portal Ps 24:7, 122:2, 100:4, 107:16; opportunity; cities; kingdoms; promotion; life; salvation; death. Ge 19:1; He 13:12; Mt 16:18.

GYMNASIUM- competition; daring to learn something new; taking a physical risk.

HOSPITAL- healing ministry, place of healing Ps 147:3; place of gaining “patience”; love; caring for, repairing and/or restoring the broken and wounded; backslidden condition; spiritually sick.

HOTEL/MOTEL- temporary time of transition, hotel’s condition and quality speak to success, prosperity, profit, ease, or failure and lack; a transitory place to gather; transition; change; migratory; travel; public, a temporary place of transition, an overnight stop on a journey, a place to rest and clean up. To own: hard work with many complaints; to work in a hotel: seek employment elsewhere. Lk 10:35.

KITCHEN-preparation place for spiritual food, teaching or preaching of God’s Word; hunger for teaching or preaching; can deal with heart issues reveals the heart of the matter; “if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen;” creativity; nourishing; nurturing; mother’s role, Lk 10:40.

LADDER- you have a need to reach higher places in society; you are in a process of climbing to a higher height of fame or recognition; framework that connects a series of structures at regular intervals. You have a small platform that is hinged on the support of others. Spiritually arise into the heavenlies; “Jacob’s ladder,” God’s gateway or portal from heaven to earth, Ge 28:12, spiritual structure connecting heaven and earth with angels ascending to heaven and descending with messages, gifts and anointing; the House of God; the Gate of heaven; a promotion; opportunities in life not easily obtained; effort; daring prayer; “top of the ladder”; “climbing the corporate ladder,” Jn 1:51.

LAKE- represents an individual’s anointing; water of the Word; Holy Spirit; anointing; measure of influence; submerging yourself in a situation; sinking, introverted; giving up; feeling buried or out of control. Lake, clear smooth: anointed time of peace, tranquility and rest; able to see any obstacles or hindrances; new depth being imparted. Success will follow your endeavors. Lake, muddied turbulent: you are in for a difficult time with a lot of challenges to overcome. An adversary or enemy will try to bring confusion and rock your boat.

LIBRARY- place of preparation and study; Ec 12:12; collection of references for learning and research; stored knowledge for the mind; school of or ability in learning; earthly or spiritual wisdom, and skills gathered; presents historical facts of one’s life experiences.

LIVING ROOM- everyday life; general use; communion; fellowship of family, church, and friends.

MARKETPLACE- call to impact individuals in everyday life; real world of commerce, business and trade; Egypt; power evangelism.

MOUNTAIN- “mountain top experience;” place to meet God; Mt 21:21, speak to the mountain to be removed; large problem or obstacle; opposition; faith; prayer; seeing things from a heavenly prospective; stability; majesty; the kingdom of God; the kingdom of man or Satan. Ps 72:3; A natural massive elevation of the earth’s surface that presents a challenge to scale over or go around can be indicative of life’s problems, obstacles or difficulties. Mk 11:23. Is 2:2; Da 2:35; Je 51:25; Ze 4:7.

OCEAN- large groups, humanity or nations of people; mission; travel to distant shores; a great anointing covering 72% of the earth; innumerable; an awesome amount or expanse; restless; depths Ps 148:7; Ez 26:19. Ps 36:6; Ep 4:14.

PARK- tranquil, peaceful resting place; land set aside for recreation, hunting, and public use; natural state; stadium; playing field; to set, put or place an object or vehicle for a period of time. Enjoyment; pleasure; relaxation; freedom; if walking or sitting with others: contented relationship; royal land set apart for public or recreational use. Ec 2:5; Ge 24:63.

PORCH- front: current or future vision is being given; to build: increase, something new; present or future; more public, seen; confronted; understood; outreach, or expressed part of one’s nature; “putting up a good front” or facade. Porch, back: past memories, history or events have already transpired.

RAILWAY- habitual path, habit or direction; rigid way of life; inflexible thought pattern. Railway station: moving in a new direction; changing tracks or scenes from work to home; leaving the past behind; making connections; an effort to advance in the journey of life.

RESTAURANT- public, social place of serving the Word and Spiritual things; hunger for company and fulfillment. 1 Co 10:3.

RIVER- powerful move of God that will impact a large number of people; formed by a convergence of unifying factors; abundance. Ps 105:41; Is 48:18; Jn 7:38.

ROAD- one’s prevailing direction or approach to life; decisions leading to actions; a new attitude; public activities, a passageway for people, animals, and vehicles; traveling; tour; wandering; “on the road.” Road block: something or someone is trying to prevent you from advancing; La 3:9; Is 40:4; their resistance will only serve to strengthen and perfect you to increase in the future; you will overcome. God is redirecting you onto a higher path that will bring greater success. Is 35. Road work: Outdoor road construction or repair that last a long time or running on the road for a long distance to gain a better physical condition. You are called as an evangelist to travel the highways and byways of life to compel people to enter in at the narrow gate or to travel on the highway of holiness Is 35. Take the road less travelled for it leads to eternity. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Mt 7:14.

ROOF- top covering or protection of something; exterior surface; the highest point; summit; to furnish; boisterous; to complain vehemently; philosophy; beliefs or coping strategies. Ps 5:11.

SCHOOL- preparing for a test; school of the Holy Spirit; place of promotion from lessons learned; student or teacher of the Word. Spiritual teaching and ministry training; discipleship; instruction in a skill or business; college, institution or university; higher learning; planned curriculum for years; educational; “the school of hard knocks;” “of the old school;” “tell tales out of school;” “old school tie;” “well–schooled;” aquatic animals (especially fish) swimming together. You are in the need of knowledge and wisdom; place of learning and acquiring skills and talents to succeed in life; anxiety from feeling insignificant or inadequate. It is time to overcome childhood insecurities or performance challenges; walking out the lesson of life or acquiring anointings and learning how to operate spiritual gifts and abilities; skipping class: means you are not open or receptive to the philosophy that is being taught; learn from past mistakes and failures. Mt 11:29; Ac 19:9.

STAIRS- a supporting structure connecting higher or lower levels; taking steps toward or away from something; going up or down in anointing and favor. Stairs, walking down: being setback in life, fear of demotion, introverted negative thoughts will lead to a downfall; repressing feelings, regression back into the subconscious, lack of confidence or conviction. Stairs, walking up: a flight of stairs indicates advancement or making headway in life’s journey, achieving a higher level of belief or understanding in thought processes and achievements, progressing in spiritual, emotional or material realms. Stairway, climbing up: increase, promotion, advancement, visibility, prosperity, graduation; climbing or falling down: decrease, failure, demotion, lack, indiscretion.

SHOPPING CENTER/MALL– attempting a favorable impression; ego or materialism; maladies; following leading fashion, trends, fads, or the latest technology. Mt 10:1

TRACK- barely used, unconventional path; “off the beaten track;” “track record;” “in one’s tracks;” “on the track of;” “lose track of something;” “hard on someone’s track;” “make tracks for;” “on the right/wrong track.” 1 Co 9:25.

TRAILER- A trailer is usually just a transitional place to live until you upgrade to a more substantial home or dwelling place. Since a trailer is pulled by another vehicle you may be feeling worn–out or overwhelmed in your current plot of life. You need to develop your leadership skill and stop being a follower. You feel troubled, work hard and are currently in pain, travail, always bringing up the rear and never the head. A period of transition, worries are mounting, feeling overburdened, carrying too much weight or worries, lack of funds, limited resources, lagging behind, a follower not a leader; in for the long haul; expect a lot of circumstances to change, being transported, visual message or advertisement, transitory; temporary; indefinite circumstances; blank film at the reels end; to transport or be transported by a trailer.

TUNNEL- A season of transition and change with limited perspective, choices, or access for escape; going through a tunnel: birthing a new understanding, discovery, or awareness of oneself; hope and success to see the light at the end of a tunnel; the end of one’s life journey or goals. A long period or season of transition where you feel like you are in the dark; there are not a lot of choices available; a birthing season; birth canal, the vagina; a certain pathway or corridor leading you from one phase of life to the next; a passage through or under a barrier or opposition; peripheral vision is eliminated; being closed or narrow–mindedness; tunnel vision; to tunnel to freedom.

VALLEY- being down to earth; fertile; depression; walking through the valley of the shadow of death; between two mountaintop experiences.

WAREHOUSE- storehouse for goods and resources for another time; memories of past experiences; putting your goals and desires on hold. Represents a place to store memories, goods or merchandise, energy or an abundance of hidden resources.

YARD- front: visible, public part of your personal life. Yard, back: past events.