Well, we made it into the New Season! The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) began last night at 6pm. As I have been writing to you about the changes that have been coming in our dreams as we transition into this new season, I have heard many speak of flushing dreams as well as my own. I also mentioned that God did a dream shift in the midst of this and some of us had our dreams shift from those flushing dreams into more vivid, heavenly, and Godly dreams. Although no one has come forward to speak of their dreams shifting into that, I know that mine actually did after I posted that blog and I am sure some of you have as well.

What now?

A couple of months ago I wrote about what I felt for years that God has been impressing on me that is coming, in the blog “What If” You Turned Around?. In that blog, I wrote about what I hear God say is coming in a great and pronounced way as we looked at Acts 2:17. Then a couple of weeks ago I wrote about what I believe God is saying that may be the first step into what He said is coming in this new season in the blog “Power of the Seasons”. Both of these revelations are connected. Today I want to add more revelation to these things. I don’t believe that all of this will be a downpour coming all at once. God gives us revelation in pieces. We couldn’t handle the entire package even if He gave it to us that way.

This being a possible first step in this greater move into new revelation, the piece I have been given to share is that God wants to change our dreams and visions. When I speak of change in dreams, I don’t mean a change over from soulish dreams to Godly dreams or even nightmares like we may have been seeing. Many of us may have been having these same types of dreams for many years as we flowed in and out of seasons. What I do mean is that for those of us who are ready and willing, God wants to promote us in how we see our dreams and visions and what the revelation will be in them. He wants to give us a greater expanse and a wider vision to see things that we were once not allowed to enter into (from classified/top secret to Higher Security Clearance).

This time, however, God will not just lay it in our laps. He says that if we will ask, we will then receive the change (promotion). Why do we need to ask for this? It can be said like this, “those who are truly hungry will eat and those who are not, won’t”. Does that mean all of us who are truly hungry who ask for it, will receive it? No, but if we ask God if we are ready and He says no, He will be gracious to show us why we are not and give us instructions on what we can do in order to become ready to receive it. Also, it doesn’t matter how we feel about being ready. Many times we feel we aren’t and God says back to us “yes, you are more than ready”. Let God be the deciding factor and not how we feel about ourselves.

What will this promotion look like? I can’t say exactly, however, what I can tell you is that for some of us the change will be a slow transition moving into it, and for others, it may be a sharp change at first and then a slow down to let us process the change in us. Either way, I believe this is another reason we have been made for such a time as this, and I wouldn’t want to be alive during any other time!