Years ago, I began a new journey of seeing numbers. Out of the blue, I began to see double and triple and quadruple numbers show up all over the place, vividly. I also saw numbers in sequence. I had no idea what to do with them or even why they came to me in dreams, visions and seeing them in my daily life. They were standing out like neon signs. Things that I would never notice before stood out greatly, like my odometer on my car. Seriously, who pays attention to that?! I knew what the numbers meant individually, but I had no idea what they would mean beyond that. I prayed for the answers and waited for God to send me the explanation. It took over a year, after it began, before He answered my prayer. During my wait, I learned a few things that He confirmed and some were new revelations to celebrate and share. Here is some of what I learned:

SEQUENCE- (ex. 1,2,3,4,5 or 10,11,12,13) Seeing a sequence of numbers can mean that things are moving in order and plan of God’s will for your life. This is a great encouragement to us especially when we feel out of order or placement in life. Watch for repetition of these numbers in one sequence or another. If they are going backwards don’t automatically assume it’s a negative thing. It could also mean a countdown to something great. Be in prayer for confirmation in this before you judge it too harshly.

DOUBLE NUMBERS-(ex. 11,44, 77, 99) Seeing double numbers can be God showing you something twice to get your attention. They can also be a double portion of what the number means in your life. For example: the number 5 can mean “grace and favor” and would tell you that God is showing a double portion of grace and favor to you to encourage you. It MAY also mean that you might need to offer that double portion to someone around you in your life, including yourself. Another meaning it can have is that it can be applied to two places in your life. God may be wanting to show you grace and favor in two places in your life or for you to show it. Look for double digits playing double as well such as 11:11 and 12:12, for example.

You may add the numbers as well, if led by the Holy Spirit such as adding 33 (ex. 3+3=6). In this case the number 6 would be the number to search out. How do you know when to do this? Being in prayer and letting the Holy Spirit lead you. This may be more for someone who is already dealing with the number and God wants to expand the borders of how they see, seek and find). Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search out a matter.

We can also begin to take these numbers into God’s Word and look up the scripture to find out more of what God wants us to know about His message to us. The “You Version” Bible app can help with that. Just go to “search” and type in the numbers in scripture form (ex.7:7) and click search. It will bring up all of the scripture in the entire Bible in your selected format (KJV, NKJV, NIV, etc) that has chapter 7, verse 7. If you have a number like 1:01, then you may type 1:01, 10:1 or chapter 101. If you have a number such as 3:38, you may type in 3:38 or 33:8. Let the Holy Spirit guide you in this as well as guiding you into the scripture that the numbers MAY refer to.

TRIPLE NUMBERS-(ex. 777,555,999) Triple numbers will follow the basic guidelines as double numbers. It could mean a “triple play” of the number’s meaning in 3 areas in your life or as a triple portion in one or more areas. I have found that looking up scripture can be the greatest message from God with triple numbers. It is almost like a treasure hunt as you look up the scriptures and wait on the Holy Spirit to guide you to His message meant just for you. One time it may be one scripture and another day He may guide you to a different one. Sometimes it is not the entire verse of scripture, but only a piece. Have serious fun with Him and His Word.

QUADRUPLE & MORE-(1111,44444) These follow the same guidelines as double and triple numbers but may be harder to look up for scripture. In this case the number may indicate the move of God in your life in many areas instead of one or two. They may also be added up together to reveal the number God wants you to search for (ex. 4444, 4+4+4+4=16). Number 16 would be the number to search out.

These are just guidelines that I have learned “so far”. I am still the student who is just willing to teach as I go. Don’t keep God in box BUT don’t make things too complicated. That is NOT His intention. We can make numbers add up to anything we want so keep it simple and let God speak to you in the way He created YOU to hear. Have fun and enjoy spending time with your Father who loves you VERY much!