He sat there thinking about her, dreaming of all the things they had planned to do and new things they could. She was so far away and yet when he thought of her it was as if she was simply in the next room. He decided to write down his thoughts about her, his dreams they would share hopefully soon. He wrote down the affections of his love and also his concerns for her to read and in hopes, she understood and felt the same. “Maybe”, he thought, “she is thinking about me the same way at this very same time wherever she is”. He finishes his letter of love and dreams of how she will receive it from him. He places it in an envelope and seals it very carefully. He writes her address on the envelope and sends it quickly away with a courier.

The courier rides through a terrible storm as he makes his way to his next junction to have this love letter delivered. The storm causes a large tree to fall in the path of the courier and he is delayed while help comes to remove it from his path. He sees another pathway to take him around the tree and still be able to deliver this letter safely to its next transport. It works and the courier arrives safely with the letter in hand just in time to pass it off to another courier who will place the letter with others of like kind onto a ship headed across the sea. The ship sails smoothly for a long distance and it was as if it was carried by the hands of angels to arrive earlier than expected to deliver its letters and packages from across the sea. The winds begin to quickly change and the waves grew larger. The boat tossed about as if it would break apart at any moment. And then, it happened. The hull of the ship was breached by the overwhelming tides and all of the people, packages, and letters were consumed by the flood. The ship began to sink and all hope seemed lost. As the ship sank out of sight there were only a few things left afloat. Survivors had managed to pull themselves into lifeboats and were searching for others to save. The seas calmed and the survivors thought they saw another person floating in the distance. As they reached the possible survivor, they realized it was only a mail sack. They hauled it in their boat and prayed that they would survive reaching shore.

Days went by and once again all seemed lost and death seemed so near. Then they see the shore far in the distance. They are all saved and just in time. As they reach the shore, the sailors were tended to and the mail sack was also retrieved. It was sent to be unpacked, sorted, and continue for delivery. Once again the love letter from so far away was in the hands of a courier but this time the letter was much closer to home to its intended love. This time the courier would travel on a sunny day with no storm clouds in sight. It would seem that the letter would arrive by a miracle and then trouble shows up. Men thinking this courier carried valuables would try and rob him of his precious cargo. The thieves didn’t understand that these were not valuables such as gold and silver, but treasures of the heart and soul. Noticing nothing of value to them, they leave the courier to his treasureless mess. The courier picks up each package and letter and continues on his way. He finally reaches a small town of the intended mail and leaves it in their capable hands.

The following morning a woman wakes up to another day of wonder and loneliness. She had been thinking of her love so far away and wondering if they would ever be able to fulfill the dreams they had once dreamed together. As sadness begins to seep in, she hears a tap at her door. She goes and answers it to find a letter carrier holding out to her a letter sealed with love mangled from its journey and damp from the sea. Her eyes fill with tears of joy as she gently opens and reads the love letter that had traveled so far to her. She could finally feel the one she loves as if he was the one just in the next room.

Dreams from God can come to us much the same way. The enemy can try to rob, hinder and kill the love messages that God wants us to have from Him. Our soul can lose its hope, joy, and dreams of life because of it. If we can learn how to look past ALL of the things that could cover up God’s beautiful message of love to us, we will see the Truest form of Love there is and ever will be. Don’t dismiss Any dream, no matter how it may look! See past all of the dirt and see the beautiful most valuable treasure, God’s Love for you.

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