Last month I wrote about what God was doing through our dreams to get us to see the point of what our next step is in order to enter this place in this new season. You can refresh your memory or read it for the first time here Wax On…Wax Off. Since that time I, myself, have had these same type of dreams of knowing what the dream meant as soon as I woke up and many of them I didn’t know until I searched it out and it has been a process working through them. However, I know I have the key to not only understanding the dream messages but also how to walk through each step and move ahead further.

Today I was reminded by the Lord through a good friend that some people still are not seeing the point. I saw hands handcuffed behind a person’s back and yet they also held the key to unlock those cuffs in those same hands. Some of you are still trying to open what seems like a locked door to enter into this new place in this new season and yet you are also holding the key in your hands to open that lock.

Some of you feel like you are still hitting a wall but you are not. What you really need to do is turn around and see what is right in front of you. (Read more here) You have already arrived but you are so used to pushing through, breaking things down, and battling the hard way that you haven’t stopped to see that the only thing you are battling against right now is yourself.

Your dreams may tell you what needs to be worked on in yourself in order to take over the territory you want to possess here. But many of you haven’t even entered the door because you are still knocking on it instead of using the key that God has placed in your hand. Notice your dreams. Your soul (not speaking of nightmares here) can tell you where you are as you move forward. The darker the dream the deeper the issue to be dealt with and the lighter the dream the more superficial the issue. To be clearer, it’s more of the difference between taking a shower versus going to the bathroom doing a #2. See the difference? One is a deeper cleansing than the other. Some of you may still be trying to deal with yourself too harshly when all you need is a simple rinse off in the shower.

Use the key! Notice your dreams and work smarter, not harder. God has provided you with this new place and He has given you everything you need to enter and live in it. Stop a moment and take notice of what is in your hands…

One Comment

  1. This one is so GOOD!
    I love your simplicity style in your writings and it makes it so clear to every to see the Fathers heart.

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