What To Do With The Numbers 11:11

For many years I have seen the numbers 11:11 on my clocks. During that time I have heard many of you say that you have seen that number sequence and ask what they may mean as well. First of all, I have to say that I am not into numerology but I love to know what to do with the number sequences that God shows me. I do look towards the Biblical meanings of numbers before anything else because I want to know what the Creator of numbers has to say about them. If you want to learn more on what to do with other number sequences such as double, triple, quadruple numbers as well as sequences of numbers, check out the document (SEQUENCE, DOUBLE, TRIPLE & QUADRUPLE NUMBERS) in my files tab here.

The first thing I will do when I see the numbers 11:11 is to pray and ask God for His direction because although I saw it last week and I understood its meaning one way, more than likely it will not be the same way today. It’s a treasure hunt for me and I love it! One way and usually the FIRST way I will go to find its meaning is in scripture. If you have a Bible app you can try and search 11:11 to see all of the scriptures that match and let God guide you to the scripture that MIGHT connect to you and what may be going on in your life. The YouVersion Bible app is the only one I have found so far that will allow you to search like this.

The next option will be to notice the number “11” and its meaning. You can look here for the Biblical meaning of the number “11” and other numbers. To see 11:11 would mean a double portion of that number. The meanings “transition and revelation” are the main two meanings of the number 11 that I have seen most, but it is not set in stone of course.

Another option is to view all of the numbers as four of the number “1”. Seeing the meaning of the number “1” in four different areas of your life. The number “1” can mean the beginning of something, but to make it clearer it can mean the start or the first step into something. This is not to be confused with the number “8” which can mean new beginnings. There can be a new beginning but it doesn’t mean you have taken the first step into it.

You have the option of seeing 11:11 as an addition such as 1+1+1+1=4. The number “4” would be what you would want to find the meaning to. The number “4” can mean directions and the creative works of God but those are just examples. Maybe God is trying to give you directions before you take the first step into this new beginning.

The last option I would like to share is this possibility. All of the numbers “1” can mean the beginning or first steps into some things that are new in our life but that should also tell us that these numbers show us how prosperous we are. Prosperity is important for God to show us in ourselves because many times we feel we haven’t done enough, we can’t seem to find the end of something we are doing or we feel lacking. If we are beginning to step into something new it means that we have completed some tasks as well. We don’t usually start something new unless there was an end to something that came before it. (maturity and growth)

There are so many benefits in knowing what to do with the numbers that keep showing up in our paths. They are not just random and should not be dismissed. Search out the meaning of God’s message to you and see more of what He has planned for you.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2